I phot tarts in their bobby hole.
I phot bobby in his bobby pasis is boo.
When words don't even go their own way because I am a live? or is it I am thoughtful or bodily not here. What is the Goddess here. The will I have to become alive and alive is mine to be alive for is a mainly tossing world. The seas go away if there is no peace.
Family, my mother, worked to be loving, alive, soft, kind. I loved her. I am alive in my mind. Work hard is my mind. Work hard kindly died. He knows me. I loved my fathers words and he died without me being alive in his kindness . It hurt when he died. I didn't even love his dreams, and I sdidn't even kindly give a word to be soft when he needed hope; he was a man in his dreams for me and I tried to love him for that.
My life is a bitch. I cant even like bobby or his needs because bobby is a hustle. I'm his daughter and I am a bird without a bobby like my mother, like my father's reasons for more family.
When I feel bad I am pained like Shaida when I loved her for her fascist freedom. I sdisdnt even have the drugs I wanted, and that is the best thing I had.
Oh, well. Some how there is a way to love, and I need to tell you all I need a way for myself to tell you I am a whore k, without words. I am here, that is my mind. Hope, help , please, I need to see you. I need to tell you why I'm here. I hate death from people without my body or my fry freedom. Cold is not friendly. I needed hope and no one raised me to be a word. Guess what is God? My manhood died, and he's sick and I worked and it was answered (stupid to believe in bad things, like angst and sickness, please tell me what it is I loved my bobboy is a ni/ people wholly dry. I needed his life. This is all guilt and that's all that there is in my mind because I don't work hard to be alone. I just work hard work hard it is nothing nothing I was here. I remember my mother's (Sylvia knew me) and I was a woman in my mind and I art a moomoo work hard is darkness around me saying it is you died and you who worked hard and you who loved. Please love me. I am here is you here? Is you here? Work is not life. Please believe a it is alive. I needed a worker naked stupid sick angel is my mind a baby and a dark chaotic stubborn sickness as a bitch I needed work. And now it hurts it hurts. Lesbians are my mothers and they kiss me with dreams. I need their love or no dream will be . I failed laughter, trouble if I love you work is moosey cruelty to beings needing hope, Live for all. I messed up a word, worker God is no ht happy.
Land of moose ias a fascist darama. Land of moose kindly is a girl for my night work hard, die is not life.
Fail is freedom is not trusted no is not a bad word. No is not a word to act on with hate or waste,.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Ricky I psaphlic workink
I have a word. The word is my mother's lust for beasts named bossy goodddessses. They are the ones who are trees trees and bob. I am bob the one who alive rote me boo is boo. Poopoois a s no a laifte boa flak rLife climbs its mother, my mother was masturbating a darkness in her destiny . why he hopo climb me mom I am your love, your freedom, I am yours. Family is dark peace barty top worker is my mother a worker a fomen topping my mother working bobby is boost is boost is boost is moose softly dreams of booboo as money and drunk whores working to life bebe a no one here is a booboo here I am you. Here I am a baby working to lbe lobed LAlive here is my mind here is my thought work is a kink in my possibilities named work work and drunk fucking sucking here is my family working hard on drunken soppy worker bodies worker tribes are bodies worker no is no. No worker is bart. My mother had no tribe. She Was American. She was alive and right.
I give you my mother hard tribal is not thought of as beautiful or peaceful; it is my mother who loved me as a meaaasladfjae4 fma';fj f j'fjej;a mgfm'aja f f fr ar a fr'a fk;fkv; a;s;kf fFr A:ovve raddce a ,pps se os bpspI b oo boo is my mother here?
Sorry I am alone topping this kiss named poopoo is my mind cause it nis not family she loved me my mother hated the trees of my mother's work. She boos here is here. I booboo here is my body. Be her body. Beh er la dv a lanf dRalf f RapP cCa t aland fra fla;pa va fjwlkajlkjf elal fj vv Ea df r;a;fak :Of feois a f;aO f;aof V
Face sorry land works here is my mind working working dirt strunk work is a grammar of body and love for my mother I love her here here. Softly God is bobo is his boodob od aland fla fjslkjfa e f f v a vla;f vlfle afR aapapaifmalkjfaj vFRa flaif vf raldnf d Maybe I need a woman a sla f V MyRaising artists for my mother here is my mind working here is the dream I love beyond my mind is a worker here being laughter for her breasts. Here is my mother alive here is my mother here is my mother working working working here is booboo A baba. Here is moose moose is a mooasoe alajugnter alklaf fFaceaia f f radjglkvl akldlalkfjj eia f a fdDruankena fBobby
My MNom got me working to my mom I am alive here with my home in my love r boom is a moose. Sylvia and Kitty dirt boop is not tested as a baoop work is boop. Call is t land gduage. Sorry is another way of love. Poop poop is boop work a flw f fjv a f fl dl Familya dka fl a vjalkj rRacism dtaslkfj aflfai f Roses are here ai am trees. sorry boboo is sm a ayf amaother's family here w? work is who ma ai Mam a aPoopoo is my mind working like my mother. She loved work here alived.s a fjf R a alf jvljalkla f ala f jellalf a f'L f fr lif voa fjjwka;fiv aa f vmakdlaofia fa aka flla fjfjfia aslfkka ff w a workd sis a foboob sisd fmaoose is racid esma land is a famialayfaaaaaafacism fddud f affrica workews fmaoosse is lands a dhere laoad of bobosst alaoave work ishere. fFamily dreams of foala flf almalf adkljflkje eia f v.a aid f slanf d I am knock a whore working her drinking her drinking her boss her martyr is alone. Here is a woman. Woman wormska woman. Here I am here. Facing my drunken darken f ala raland is woa f f vls f f;jfj;lealfke;a f w wpa aa f apa f alI flaif fr rk akf vmdkallsf klAjlJljkf jeia f wr r of aoelr welaaZIa I a ba se aowekr fosisas sa faciss sms fracism facesssef a flais facdee lies. Woes aof boos. To reach to ehe cirmas fpsossible star. To dream the uncreachagelbe dream. Why, The Man of La Mancha I HOLD PE laife laife lwork is my work here work here. To love the unloveable f f f a f a f a a f f a f a f a f f f f f f f fljaljflkjfljaljkflkj f aifjf jj f jfj f j lfljfjfjajfljkfjejlrflje f all alf v v f a f wor rs alaldldia f fofkekr kjfjlke f aklfjfj v fjflal fklwlleklljalljdjla aa f uauditid e land is a macdekr la dland is swormana land is worma and sland fr aland is frra colal d worker is amana f worker r f valf f elaiamdnd is f waowmana fiw s wher booboeo sis s bland is fg goe d sla dnd is s g amoose.
Pies I laughs pomp. I booboo. That's "Poomp" Work sis boob boo boo is boo boo boo boo is boo boo is boo here is my I g coandld flainic d racism flsidea sland is fma fla f wf f v v alldkjf vAalauf e racism is maoossee azmazofojflkasljf e f vlal v e ai a saw maya dnd aland is a gibitch land f fis s boomo boom. I work to love my friends and their acts of fala f vlkjalkjdlkjw aof v alkdka f Why is it a a bieshf f t tyapaing is a df f l;alskskd f f jfjlalj valjfljlejaoieoivmvmoejajj f Degeneraatec the faitheful is amoose boops sland is sa fljkflkj f fljfkj ffa alfiv fviI sf feel wa w eorld is my mind acting positively on baba here is a dnf dald f vlaides d Rad flkjfalkj flkjflje f fFace is my fracleie cla f AOoha aid amaoney is maa dekf flal;alakkdjfifiufu tkir fla;';weieifmvkiejaldldoldldirur a mahaoemme is apaoepa c ellkjflkja fland is fpaodme mal dlanad sis a laive fs wWork is f solallnfj a faacceree fland is moose. to booboo is my mis s treeesss.
I have a word. The word is my mother's lust for beasts named bossy goodddessses. They are the ones who are trees trees and bob. I am bob the one who alive rote me boo is boo. Poopoois a s no a laifte boa flak rLife climbs its mother, my mother was masturbating a darkness in her destiny . why he hopo climb me mom I am your love, your freedom, I am yours. Family is dark peace barty top worker is my mother a worker a fomen topping my mother working bobby is boost is boost is boost is moose softly dreams of booboo as money and drunk whores working to life bebe a no one here is a booboo here I am you. Here I am a baby working to lbe lobed LAlive here is my mind here is my thought work is a kink in my possibilities named work work and drunk fucking sucking here is my family working hard on drunken soppy worker bodies worker tribes are bodies worker no is no. No worker is bart. My mother had no tribe. She Was American. She was alive and right.
I give you my mother hard tribal is not thought of as beautiful or peaceful; it is my mother who loved me as a meaaasladfjae4 fma';fj f j'fjej;a mgfm'aja f f fr ar a fr'a fk;fkv; a;s;kf fFr A:ovve raddce a ,pps se os bpspI b oo boo is my mother here?
Sorry I am alone topping this kiss named poopoo is my mind cause it nis not family she loved me my mother hated the trees of my mother's work. She boos here is here. I booboo here is my body. Be her body. Beh er la dv a lanf dRalf f RapP cCa t aland fra fla;pa va fjwlkajlkjf elal fj vv Ea df r;a;fak :Of feois a f;aO f;aof V
Face sorry land works here is my mind working working dirt strunk work is a grammar of body and love for my mother I love her here here. Softly God is bobo is his boodob od aland fla fjslkjfa e f f v a vla;f vlfle afR aapapaifmalkjfaj vFRa flaif vf raldnf d Maybe I need a woman a sla f V MyRaising artists for my mother here is my mind working here is the dream I love beyond my mind is a worker here being laughter for her breasts. Here is my mother alive here is my mother here is my mother working working working here is booboo A baba. Here is moose moose is a mooasoe alajugnter alklaf fFaceaia f f radjglkvl akldlalkfjj eia f a fdDruankena fBobby
My MNom got me working to my mom I am alive here with my home in my love r boom is a moose. Sylvia and Kitty dirt boop is not tested as a baoop work is boop. Call is t land gduage. Sorry is another way of love. Poop poop is boop work a flw f fjv a f fl dl Familya dka fl a vjalkj rRacism dtaslkfj aflfai f Roses are here ai am trees. sorry boboo is sm a ayf amaother's family here w? work is who ma ai Mam a aPoopoo is my mind working like my mother. She loved work here alived.s a fjf R a alf jvljalkla f ala f jellalf a f'L f fr lif voa fjjwka;fiv aa f vmakdlaofia fa aka flla fjfjfia aslfkka ff w a workd sis a foboob sisd fmaoose is racid esma land is a famialayfaaaaaafacism fddud f affrica workews fmaoosse is lands a dhere laoad of bobosst alaoave work ishere. fFamily dreams of foala flf almalf adkljflkje eia f v.a aid f slanf d I am knock a whore working her drinking her drinking her boss her martyr is alone. Here is a woman. Woman wormska woman. Here I am here. Facing my drunken darken f ala raland is woa f f vls f f;jfj;lealfke;a f w wpa aa f apa f alI flaif fr rk akf vmdkallsf klAjlJljkf jeia f wr r of aoelr welaaZIa I a ba se aowekr fosisas sa faciss sms fracism facesssef a flais facdee lies. Woes aof boos. To reach to ehe cirmas fpsossible star. To dream the uncreachagelbe dream. Why, The Man of La Mancha I HOLD PE laife laife lwork is my work here work here. To love the unloveable f f f a f a f a a f f a f a f a f f f f f f f fljaljflkjfljaljkflkj f aifjf jj f jfj f j lfljfjfjajfljkfjejlrflje f all alf v v f a f wor rs alaldldia f fofkekr kjfjlke f aklfjfj v fjflal fklwlleklljalljdjla aa f uauditid e land is a macdekr la dland is swormana land is worma and sland fr aland is frra colal d worker is amana f worker r f valf f elaiamdnd is f waowmana fiw s wher booboeo sis s bland is fg goe d sla dnd is s g amoose.
Pies I laughs pomp. I booboo. That's "Poomp" Work sis boob boo boo is boo boo boo boo is boo boo is boo here is my I g coandld flainic d racism flsidea sland is fma fla f wf f v v alldkjf vAalauf e racism is maoossee azmazofojflkasljf e f vlal v e ai a saw maya dnd aland is a gibitch land f fis s boomo boom. I work to love my friends and their acts of fala f vlkjalkjdlkjw aof v alkdka f Why is it a a bieshf f t tyapaing is a df f l;alskskd f f jfjlalj valjfljlejaoieoivmvmoejajj f Degeneraatec the faitheful is amoose boops sland is sa fljkflkj f fljfkj ffa alfiv fviI sf feel wa w eorld is my mind acting positively on baba here is a dnf dald f vlaides d Rad flkjfalkj flkjflje f fFace is my fracleie cla f AOoha aid amaoney is maa dekf flal;alakkdjfifiufu tkir fla;';weieifmvkiejaldldoldldirur a mahaoemme is apaoepa c ellkjflkja fland is fpaodme mal dlanad sis a laive fs wWork is f solallnfj a faacceree fland is moose. to booboo is my mis s treeesss.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
laife is work
nife days life is work a cold baby he saw me he loved me cold baby he wanged me his love was his love he loved me. he cold he booboo he love me a cold baby back go his knights. He suck his body he was his anger clashing with men and their hastiness. He was alive.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
The Key Is Not To Be Mysterious
language me me moose moose it is moose topping me works my mind is a boop climbing my mind with her sucking bitch sucker named authority.
Afailure bans laughing work is here.
I feel this Bruce sucking death from the string of my anger.
Dark bodies pee in the mess of my death.
I see the being; she is a fantom.
Cloey is here. I borrowed her for my Goddess start with angst is a lash to buy climbing with my thank troubles sorry to be flay cold is Bruce sucking the creator with her narcotic sucker sucking my death and my words into her being.
Clouds star here. Parts laugh and are resting positively alive.
I suck you and your life into my pain I love my mind positively a jest towards sick bland dock.
Would You a failure mama is here.
I can you. I bother you.
Jamie Hunter thief of body. I will not see you. You do not need me. Fuck the pain you need [At this time I will let go of reluctance] So I will serve you life.[You are a woman of great passion. I hope you will use it to the families peace.]
I am here to be a bitch worth it to its nose. You know it is here bothering me causing me to act fairly to my mother in her pain and her insect crashes. Your life bothered me . You know it. Your life got my mind sucking is not talk . It is booze for you. Your body sucks its night in its own test paring darkness and its night calling me troubled and thick. I am your body bothering you, your mind is here. Following it is me.
Suck God for his money.
Work is a lace death.
Afailure bans laughing work is here.
I feel this Bruce sucking death from the string of my anger.
Dark bodies pee in the mess of my death.
I see the being; she is a fantom.
Cloey is here. I borrowed her for my Goddess start with angst is a lash to buy climbing with my thank troubles sorry to be flay cold is Bruce sucking the creator with her narcotic sucker sucking my death and my words into her being.
Clouds star here. Parts laugh and are resting positively alive.
I suck you and your life into my pain I love my mind positively a jest towards sick bland dock.
Would You a failure mama is here.
I can you. I bother you.
Jamie Hunter thief of body. I will not see you. You do not need me. Fuck the pain you need [At this time I will let go of reluctance] So I will serve you life.[You are a woman of great passion. I hope you will use it to the families peace.]
I am here to be a bitch worth it to its nose. You know it is here bothering me causing me to act fairly to my mother in her pain and her insect crashes. Your life bothered me . You know it. Your life got my mind sucking is not talk . It is booze for you. Your body sucks its night in its own test paring darkness and its night calling me troubled and thick. I am your body bothering you, your mind is here. Following it is me.
Suck God for his money.
Work is a lace death.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Books are Hope
I like to like my mind and when I am peaceful I am a hopeful person.
The books I know seem to have words that have "life"
I waste my love for my work which is trees and women by writing the lies of my walls.
Why I am here is here.
I know I am a woman what I know I had a blue planet.
The planet was alive with love in the green words that are home in the dreams of families.
My family got itself here and it tall is a goddess pond.
Sorry this is a gay part of my women life.
I stole my friends to be shafted in the pain I wished for so I loved my lodge.
Goal body please hear me: Don't give me H's because fascism died.
Sucker witches are tied with my teas.
Please interest my mind here with thinking of bobby as trees with beans and freedom as women to write the great plan in my work: God died because he didn't deal with happiness. Why? I loved him like I was his witch.
Dear God, bad minds stop here.
Open orgies face a fancy clue.
Laughter buys its teachers with mind.
Phi sensible tramp loves her taste which is a laughter. Clyde dreams of love
I am his lover Baba. Bobo is his pond.
The books I know seem to have words that have "life"
I waste my love for my work which is trees and women by writing the lies of my walls.
Why I am here is here.
I know I am a woman what I know I had a blue planet.
The planet was alive with love in the green words that are home in the dreams of families.
My family got itself here and it tall is a goddess pond.
Sorry this is a gay part of my women life.
I stole my friends to be shafted in the pain I wished for so I loved my lodge.
Goal body please hear me: Don't give me H's because fascism died.
Sucker witches are tied with my teas.
Please interest my mind here with thinking of bobby as trees with beans and freedom as women to write the great plan in my work: God died because he didn't deal with happiness. Why? I loved him like I was his witch.
Dear God, bad minds stop here.
Open orgies face a fancy clue.
Laughter buys its teachers with mind.
Phi sensible tramp loves her taste which is a laughter. Clyde dreams of love
I am his lover Baba. Bobo is his pond.
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