Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A flawed machine:

Go to flask caught in dunciad of Pope.  Quince here pay-la A-O ocean.


The flock machine: go to last card him don't see of Pope. Quince here pay law hey Jo.


Home Paris Sylvia peace artistic paying or also a lot of beings are TV Ville Volvo Bonnie and David me weirdo works hair Lala Lala mom mom mama weirdo works here Harriet return return

Person that plays her friends chaos chaos weirdo weirdo I'm believing your friends Castle castle I love you Terry very weary Sammy Sammy the flower of my body is of lower my head call where you want to kill the family a family shit on this chess chance chance chance clamor life me okay I'm dog line Line

Baby you're the shark at all this is the law of pace this is the world I love I love you make me happy Icon person sorry it's bodily where are weirdo shawl shawl my Shit my shit my shit I shit clam clam where dog man gone directly along..
That return oh sorry you're the Pajama Will be there casserole fucking trauma wow what's stereo no one Harriet lower climbs into lenses Area no one Klein call mom sorry Will you please Think of me where I am tilting land sorry you are mine I love you it is that which holds clouds I love you teach me Business kisses are God sorry. Call weirdo call weirdo here tree

Inaccurate dictation record.

Central Planning




I have a hos/ice

Lance a don


Lowell was fussy
Cunt trussed

William tried his mind;
He pulled :  I lied.

Whole poems a last
We(r)d poem

As my rowell pope claim

As my rain tope cole


Oil A whole
Blow oak.

I have what's pop

This pain cold me; this pain dries; this pain weres oak.

I 'ost patch; Ee ok.

The answer went -- Deal poem poem I hastily peace world
Oh a hole poem drama:  Kinship I weight here with ponds.

Oh bump were poem I leave.  Oh were lone trouble.

Soil around my witch:  cold and listening, working, pushed me here; here , here it is.

No wenc clay

I raise whores pinching me lying, working softly and a bot worm london is a nolo.




ah, my mind alive here , trying



Coil yes



I home pay 'ost.


I wear my whole ee love gay mom ee were here:  poem of allah/tu western entrance
Under my mother;
Or arish pain called me negro :  cole:  where is dr/ab where is oh, when is when?

Loyalty I have western train I love I love clay poem pussy work tossed in tom :  western
 -Yids- scale

-Whork-  Loyalty pan:ding oh where is a long word ne:er  poem toss me a warek .

Up in here dies orc love  :  Whales toss my hanging cole:  where is this binge here Awful
Toney Costs affirmation I know her.  Indeed, he is a lonely train sorry he loves dommynation.

Scoiled in Wenc I need a:lone flower ashes work(?)

Oil -- questioned(s)  loyalty ,,,

Too much family; too much hit ashes; too words; too words; toss me I donce cunt
Wills sanity london drama witches here ate a word in trouble safely pain whole.

No hope I love peace tying change here is a knight where I am faced (candles here)
Queer or not.  Stable alive.


EZ ah.

liberation nace quinces eat home I like a fair brenda hope.  He is here.  Drama werech.


Clam men

Wilt thou God is it?

Wilt thy cole eat -- where is it?

Dunfeddie Dunlaw ago work.

Shonnie nana a whoop he hope

Andrea teased ingrid with pain or popularity.

Quench the queer magnetic omen.



Soak a hair where mo(o)ch gaffs here no where where it is.


Cope here a(m) wales ton't clake western

Ello trouble he I O.

Golden Eesher pales of orter were here.





o well



Roman ingrid dwells in train a weirdo closed troubles as she and I called her (possibility?)

laugh at my mind negro spending Ingrid tree is Inchon dwarf poem.


The law


I laied here daean or poem?  He needs honda pa-le quenching e-la e-zo

Tanzania I'nt quart wenc a act of answers.  Wis is this?

Law Hi life he-lo combing cope here is you a father trasvestie cause a



I like this.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Bisexual Liberation Army






The Raiders

Was that my body i Knew stringing gold in my weight blond thought?

Why squirrel lonely?

I was butch docile as a rose flowering if I did, didn't it belong where I am?

Was Oregan flying in the dream sun turn welsh play :  (I need a narta dirty loan)

Was this bomb a lay?


Was I -rone- bald sorry it bit me, kiss me where I need it, please??

When no one offered it here, I climbed toward the teacher I drink her brain into the troubles of bodily clinching my rogue clone bothers me if I love you you are you; If I sylvia coldly troubled my mind causing me binch flames taste me.

To write without a will seems less than strong.

Oils rosy play me be good today.