Saturday, June 4, 2016

Existentialism, taught to a freak by a conformist.

You dread hell

You people are clouds interested in man planning a baby for their croft.

Lonely weird weird is you. I am thinking you are thinking for you.

A substantial -- wait-- what?

A substantial praise of bad words

Such as dreams clamming you are pain to my lonely body.

Cash in, cash out.

Clover dries in the sunshine bothering the odorous plains with priests and wot.

Ever is you.

Is it my friend who needs you?

-Is estrogen within the bounds of proper usage?

Are you god?

Don't decide just yet.

Where is the freak?

Oneonta is not dad but maybe it's God.

Swill with twill your pill with skill on a hill in dill off the sill.

Please be embraced as a drama happiness.

No part of the grief which is your angst died with the dream called change.

Angst bothers me because safety clown clown is brenda present is not friendly.

Deep in my spine is the reactive force which needs to evolve by engaging with the gentleness of human existence.

Noises Off (an already written play).

Sorry teachers pain died in my crease for man as troubled treasonous worker.

William Pie A Qumran

Flowers engage with not body.

Is your body properly drummed into presence of lesbian drummer?

Lesbians drum.  I want to drum.  Ergo.

Oils off the brand cloud here god kindly treats me essentially cruelly.

It is not for audience with binge prone plan?

The star of this friendly grave is mala, Why bother?

You who bond with round rind:  you may dream where you are above sartre plowing max

Where I love you kind bod; Loud proms ground the prince's rent.

aga khan trance,

Thursday, June 2, 2016

That old college try

art whizzes the flowers above my pretty plow.

The possible blisses its known pleas,

The man of his shame teaches it bowing to the string.

I wear little pains above my crane, laughing for its nuts,

The strong planes belong here and it is edited for presence,

As all planes peel a night of man and raises , I am present,

Cancers wither where blames claims its known planet,

The deformation of words and signals fro within galley go away,

I am a straw player,

Ogle the frames,

Apart of there is ago to itself.

The past will kill no one,

I am here above the stars cheating men of reasons to stick round angst is a bland flower,

Clouds interest themselves (cheese) clouds blow into their place

Whence the rain bombs proud trampolines,

Oil loud oil.

Trees borrow a stain from answering planes pleading for brenda,

I will laugh happily castles eat it too.

The macaroni and cheese deal with needs craned without stink or strange planees,

Straw recurs,

It is you here it is you alive it is you friendly it is my manhood stupefying shit to be dark and free,'
