Friday, May 22, 2009

Hey, hey, just playing with you!!!?

Sharing the strains of anger and doubt that i sometimes present as permeating my life, my awareness, and my being, I sometimes forget that I can and do carry on with a modicum of good humor and sensitivity and hope.

There's a lot to write other than these tempests in my teacup.

There does not seem to be a spreading forth of individuality, individualism and toleration due to this government. All the good things are rather distant and legalist to make change, to allow transformation (CHANGE) to derive from individual's lives, aspirations, abilities and hopes (even pleasures?).

Looking at the material arriving several times a week from, the democratic party affiliate that is taking on all these issues that Obama presented as urgent to address, I detect a rather moralistic tone in matters sexual. I too am against "human trafficking" and for "gay rights," but where is the party for (excuse the anachronism) getting it on? Where is the encouragement of broad-based sensuality and sexual liberation?

First, Obama is a lawyer, not a crowd that likes to let out its silk underwear in public; second he has allowed himself as a Christian in good standing to rely on faith-based initiatives. These seem inherently to put the kibosh on having a good time. And he's not that great a dancer.

Without some sort of acknowledgment that human sexuality is at the bottom/top/middle of the human endeavor, and that its distortion and manipulation is the aim of the majority of the cultures the President wishes to embrace in his more friendly globalism, there will be no end to the gender wars that underlie the economic and political conflicts that are sweeping the world. Didn't he read Civilization and its Discontents by Freud (written in the 1920s) and REJECT its premise that society can survive only if the erotic is channeled toward family and work? Maybe even embrace the power of Revolutionary Love to carry humanity past "society"?

Speaking of anachronisms, where in time are the churches, synagogues and mosques Obama from which Obama derives support? The 1920s? The 1820s? 2020 is on its way, and people are still rigidly adhering to either puritanical standards or frenetic sexual expressions that are parodies of what I at any rate need: the chance to pursue desire with partners of my choice openly and publicly without shame or guilt and without rigid gender or economic strictures to that choice.

It is not surprising that a President that has yet to address the issues of gays in the military or trans and gay people dying by suicide or murder due solely to heterosexual hate, is slow to evoke the power of sexuality to make CHANGE. He really needs us trans people to let him in on the secret of how human sexuality really works and where it can take us (and him.) He is attractive, isn't he? Maybe he just needs that little epiphany that contact with our community can provide.

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