I entertain little green people in my head. I truly hope you believe that.
I also acknowledge that whenever I write that I am at some sort of impasse that delays, disorders, even destroys what I have to say.
What is that impasse?
"I want suck"
Derive that.
That's not the impasse but a symptom of it a version of which I verbalized to my mother tonight. I immediately said I wanted to go to bed, and attributed it to too much time spent here with her.
I find that good things start with being strong. I am about as strong as the knees of a little green person from Mars who is a long distance runner who consistently lands on the wrong part of his foot.
Barren, angry, fruitless.
I cannot impregnate or be impregnated. I don't know whether this is the problem.
Another impasse.
See love. Impasse
Derive freedom. Impasse.
Correction: coldness leads to pain.
Impasse in every direction.
A friend to me is the diversity of knowledge. A friend to me is the hope that all is fear. Triple impasse.
Fear makes me know nothing. I am a cruel strong but impassable poem.
Which is to say an anti-poem.
Now I know from my reading that there have been "anti-poets" for decades. I have to work around the impasse.
Sex for me is dark. It is free but not supportable. There is no good in love that goes to money.
I go to money as a way to flow. I go to money as a way to serenely escape pain.
I go to love as a way to free myself from safety.
Pain is money.
Peers are cruel.
I impassively interest myself in nothing except drugs because there is no knowledge that I have which anyone likes.
Deep, and free, and painful.
Spinning anger, frustration, peace along a cylindrical dreary drum.
Excoriation. Pain. Pain.
I cannot make anykind of thought with this anti-thought drug dominating my mind.
Feel what you feel.
A hostile truth is money. Costs too much to live. Me Goddess of womanly darkness.
I only want to say that you are home as you make it.
The pain of a brain which is forced into a kind of coagulation, a lump, a non differentiated dysfunctional death of its own joyful dance is monumental to itself.
I like freedom. I can't go on without knowing what these antipsychotic drugs are, but I can't know because they deprive you of self knowledge in any way but a clumsy summing up. The dance of spontaneity is gone.
Little by little I am dying from coldness.
I know that I share with you all this so that you will not dream tonight of me.
Please don't remember this pain.
Mother goes to drugs.
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