O wow, death doesn't change people; death makes us free of a reagan. Reagan means one who takes money to be a brown black frack dream. This is a way of making myself the only one who knows priests.
Priests give themselves brains to live for. I know what I know about what I feel. I can love without cheating the goddess of her pain. Her pain is the lesson failing its own dream. That lesson was being woman gave itself mother. The dream was moments of knowledge for life.
Lastly, I resemble one person creeping toward no one. I have made life great in the ways of being rude and flat.
Susan is here. Nowhere is there. I am where that reagan dreamed change was life.
I know that you think this is terrible angry bitter psychotic expression of hatred for my own life.
Really it is love for seeking where the only word that was and was not went to when the goddess said, "Good."
Thank you for knowing what it is to be one who knows feelings.
Death is not a monitor; death is not a slim family; I am where people are when no one -- ride Julia ride -- writes of raymond.
Dear raymond: you who blasted this Goddess swearing to be nice always sexualized my hopes for my agonies.
I said what I needed to. You may read what you wish to believe.
Note: I have tried to be people in books that I read, but I am not.
Note2: Vassals, you have failed me!
Either women have belief or they are me.
loss of belief derived from hating negative roses (people who were living to feel love).
In other words, my address goddess loud stay.
You are my address in Ecstasy.
Help me be hopeful. I need to live or not. I am not this good. I am afraid to give love that needs pigs.
I am bitter and feel it is not to the good. Flaws made in marx. Flaws made in freedom.
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