Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dream is Beauty

I was born here.  That is the day of the trouble.  I name the trouble answer.  The angry feeling of a lurid crone is alive.  I alive.?

I need being of love.  I need to ask you, what does this need?  I need a way to be soft so I am peaceful.

I borrowed my own love.  I was a mess.  This is the only problem I have.  I am trying to understand what need does.  I am here for this need.  I love the need.  I have to belong to myself.

Thank you for listening to a gay leftist.  Ask me what it is to say there  is a thought which is laughter?

Since blaming this world of my life is like being drunk and liking a way to be aroused, I will change my love so I can be strong -- not a moment of pain but trees; ditching is a way to give yourself that pardon which you wished for.

No more drunkenness in my mind.

Okay, so I thought of racism as a ride to a masquerade.  I was fascist but not a flower (a homosexual).  There is only a part of me that is good.  I wish for her to belong to the person she needs, who is safe:  Julia Murray.  Thank you for listening -- again, a way to be alive is to feel good about the Goddess sharing love with your thoughts.  The will of the Goddess?  Right now, I am alive to be a capitalist world in which buying is good and thoughtfulness is strong.  I have bought peace.  I have thought of myself as loving and now I wish to be home. 

Dear Goddess:  If capitalism is drugs, then I am not free.

Large entangled antlers want freedom from acting.

1 comment:

  1. When I say fascism, I mean rigorous government control via military and/or police, draconian laws, etc., regardless of the presented ideology of the government. If this is wrongheaded or naïve, I am sorry. When Sylvia was teaching me politics -- at least to me, in my mind -- I learned myself fascism from her, in that it was an extremity of politics. So perhaps I am in a somewhat different ideological universe than most. This goes along with, the best way to make money is to print it. I think of myself as being a Proud Thoughtful Phamily of Phreedom.


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