I am going to write a list of possible writings. Bear with me. Afterwards I will write in my word processor program and then perhaps here Bear with me.
I'd let you vote on this but I haven't had a comment in more than two years. Stay in touch, won't you???
Hmmm, I'll think about Law and hmm... Family.
God, I love Engels.
Law and Family: a speculation on family, passionately
Where would law be if no one saw themselves as loving? Law is an instrument of restriction and limitation. Love is an absolute presence of the universe in all which exists.
Perhaps law is definite in its scope and its means; perhaps love is the opposite.
Death and feeling belong to the humans whose lives they affect and to which they pertain.
Death and God resemble family in that no one complains when no one belongs. No one belongs when no one has patience. I want to free myself from my own hate of patience. I hate patience in that I am rude and I do not believe that others with marginal freedoms are thoughtful or good. This is a judgment I level in that no one cares about I as a rude and possibly cruel person. I wish there were love in my freedom.
There: my casual act is simply a cover for my rude act which is a cover for my pain which derives from being truthful to those who are drunk with laughter.
I do believe that I am done with my rudeness.
Okay. Now that I have addressed the problem of my own life, I return to the nature of law and of family.
Family gives you presence in the world. Family gives you home, else it is denatured or lacking (more later). I believe that family involves so much peace and so much strength that it is a perfect or near perfect realm for the delineation of social expectations and norms. Thus a society which values peace and strength both and finds them inseparable will inculcate certain values in its members through the family. And we find in fact that that is what family does.
Family in this place and at this time are in contention. Equality of persons especially those of African or indigenous backgrounds, gay people and trans people are at stake. Much address of these issues by society is pain.
No one believes that family can begin with love. Else why understand that God is poor? God is poor only in that no one cares about life when no one is possible.
Perhaps I am reasoning in a twisted, though lived way, about the individual consequences, esp. for yours truly of a world in which yours truly is not considered possible. What if it were the case instead that others were not possible and I was only too much so?
Leftism denies the anger that my life is a part of hope. Being a part of hope requires that no one belong to racist cruel and foolish men. But in some extent that is precisely what occurs when there is no alternative other than attempting to belong to communities which require pain and God to be slow and not flowery. What I mean by that is that in my life I tried to belong to community(ies) of people of color. I found myself wondering what it was that would make me thoughtful about my softness. I did not know that anyone with my creativity (quote) would be truthful and lost in a value which is safety. I suppose that the limits were those which anyone who was trying to protect themselves against a relative stranger would employ.
This brings up the interesting fact that so-called right-wing society does exactly the same with respect to those who would engage with it on its terms who began as nasty pained losses to foam, in other words, poems of coldness with no body.
I think I must stop here and deal with being a poem of coldness with no body. I have to stop intellectualizing myself to such an extent, in other words. Perhaps I will return to this subject.
I am NASTY in that I have tried to live in the past, acting like I hadn't already transitioned to maintain presence and influence with rascals.