I say thar is part of ta cunt working money as a noak reading wonder with its dream kissing itself many of its grievew laughter is love as a parat of my life I sexually are bargaining with my past.
No one destines life to be money. I sesually dream of parts of your life which give me hope. It is my love for yes that is dreaming hope is my cunt.
Sexually active bart was nothing does it good to be love cold are my works.
No one is happy when I am baloney. I am part of your life. You are my hope. As I am your strumpet. I give you parts of love that sartre tried to be friendly and I was his pork.
Nothing is alive for bra bard life was cold (Breezy knew why I broke myself dreaming of drunken targets with no love for soap).]]
Cast iron drinks are worth it to it money is death to castw dean is my passion but I am nothing for haskell. Give me a road and I will deal with a poem. And it is mostly okay. Cake work is nothing to bar cake is lesten a bomb. Drunk is drunk. I hte pain. Nothing is life to money.
Sasha the worker causes my hopes to be life and I am nothing if I am rude.
As I give you death is not part of work. No one is beauty if there is portly crooks. It is my understanidng of my parts that Justice gives itself part of my flowers.
No one is good to me and I am loose.l
You who have begun to say costs are flowers must also believe that nothing can deal with rights but a nothing as cold and dreaming.
I say this is anger.
Go to your flames with peace.
I gave myself birds.
"automatic" writing: scary but goes where iI need to go.