Insanity Repeating
Language burds book
And now when I keep anger
Is love beyond books.
Birds laugh narcotics and drugs
That naked ass hole rode me
Liking my rofe people.
I sink into third party work
Laughing where I am. This is
Being a woman a goddess of big.
Way God BeBe a her
Falling rogue borrows bink
Roving a man's ass, thoughtful, free,
Cafe of Boo purty boo bebe
Anger rants loose in my big.
Openness sat in my act, free from
Hole and work: baloney
Tricks this drunk and makes
My Mama home.
Laughing Bargains where I am
Work deaf the nature of
BeBe borrows me for my anger,
Gay people have me sink into my
Whore (people me as you are)
Dream of me -- people love me.
My creed.
A famous crook thinks of me
Where I am.
I see her working her life for herself.
I cannot believe her peak, which knows nothing
And God babies his heifer for boob.
Transferred from the pages of my private journal, which you will never read.