Saturday, October 15, 2016

dream of aircraft

Dad in field.  Me and someone else to push white jet airliner (no engine, a project of dad and friends?).  Plane takes off at low altitude.  We are in Sierra Vista.  I go looking for where plane has landed but don't see it.  Area is north of Fry Blvd past Junior High.  See wolves dead or sleeping.  Go into meat plant! where indian/mexican is working.  Big guy.  He tells me name of wolf.  I continue looking for plane.  /find some parked across /fry in Hastings parking lot.  Slide down front of a large one.  These are bigger and more complete than dad's airplane.  I see a modern "767" flying over.  In back there are many more jets.  There is a kind of jet festival.  I see Dad's jet.  It takes off again?  I chase it, flapping my arms.  I am going home but I see expensive restaurant and decide to apply for job.  I am waiting in lobby with dozens of people in my stained white shirt.  Suddenly they all go in.  I go to bar and ask for app/lication.  I tell bartender I have two years of graduate school after he asks for my education.  Waiter with black hair with New York accent asks me about whether I really lived in New York  .  All I have in my wallet are two library cards (the ones from Tillamook County Library), which say New York, New York.  We agree they are proof.We leave (?) talk about date.  He doesn't want drink.  There is a cheap Chinese Vietnamese restaurant I go into.  I walk past people waiting then decide to take my turn.  It is eight minutes to wait for a drink.  Heavey Black guy comes up to me.  We talk.  I want liqueur drink which I still can't remember the name of.  Take food and drink.

Then I walk into late night service for sending money (guessing?)  .  Brightly lit, many people there.

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