Friday, February 19, 2010

An Anniversary

Today is the eighth anniversary of Sylvia's passing away.

Eight years seems a very long time.

I still think of Sylvia and our relationship and I hope that someday I can make amends for some of its and my glaring deficiencies.

I hope that she loves me.

In her spirit, I would like to apologize to each and every person for each and every time I doubted their being their self or their right to being their self, and also for the enormous pain I fear that I may have thereby caused many many people. This is particularly directed at several of my readers. That's RW, RMM and CG. And nonreaders such as AC and NS.

If I had a candle of St. Barbara, I would light it today for Sylvia.

I need to let go of feeling bad.



Please remember that there is no life without a home. I hope there will be a way to love.

My best to JKH

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