I'm doing exactly nothing, so I'm just going to write because I need to write.
Don't ever let anyone think that you are happy unless you really are.
Don't tell people that you can do things you can't do.
Don't sell your friendships for me.
Sell them for good thingsl.
I can do what I need. i can listen. I do have love. i do give.
The pain is coming from why is it that there's so little teaching?
I fucked my chance to be happy with another woman.
I know that there's so painful people.
I am stubborn.
I hope that there'[s a way to be strong and listen for home.
I stock.
I shit.
I pack.
I love moneyl.
People need me to give them friendship so that they'll listen for happiness.
Truth makes fucked up mess.
I need nothing and good.
I need life.
Maybe there'll live someone who can help and listen. I changed because I wanted to live to be a woman.
Feelings make me good.
I feel like I suck.
Strangely fuck is painful. I know.
Treat me like I'm conned.
Same love as I had.
You are maybe; I am paper.
Now you try to be a world of feelings,.
Girls love money.
I prefer life.
Maybe there'll feel good in happiness.
Shavers drive me to be client of pain.
Sharing painfulness is painful.
Craving niceness is helpful.
Help me.
I know you won't.
Feel, be, help
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