Micromanage petroleum alkdjfiejfkmcv'a
A steak friend mother of pain
Can't you find another way to me?
A test of being here as me
Guess what?
I'm fucked.
You are too.
Let me feel like I am crying.
I fucked shevrolet
Tacky tacky tacky
My mother is free
Kind of freedom is flying to taste kindness.
Another freedom.
Motherfucker is king.
Banish the motherfucker.
Keys to RMM: Be loving, love change, act hopeful, give friendship.
And I like RMM.
Cansas back to money
Roam another thread.
Charge to kindness and you are painful.
I felt like many others when I was trying to be me.
As you know, kindness is free.
As you know, money is pain.
I ask that Brigid take my life to be strong.
I ask that I know love and be tried.
Ate a goat at lunchtime; farted at three.
Paid a boatman to live; tent is
Why i don't eat.
And you love Goddesses for their pain?
I prefer to give help so that I like hope.
It's been done.
And you penned a ghoul.
[Terrorism is a name used to keep regimes in power]
Nothing is mother but flames.
Okay, I'll make love for myself.
#2: The origin of bosses.
You create love; you make [pain] [whores] [money]
Answer me: How do you let people love what they are [slovenly] crossed [flow] about?
Nothing chases my mother except flow.
Nothing makes feeble answers but mostly girl.
I [whore] try to make friends and that's presence.
I [love] try to make friends and that's Mommy.
I [truth] answer presidence.
I [slovenliness] play money as growth.
No one hopes to justify life because no one needs to feel a way that dreams hope is [foam][floss].
Cost of many plus cost of fury is do what you like.
Arcane mothers:
Jive freedom is treatment
Jive cost is lust
Anger is nothing but money
Anger is nothing but pig.
I make you hope that I will like bitch.
I say what love bred: mess.
I say what life wanted: a war.
I say what tribes do: war.
I ask that life is resting; I know what you did: you have boss.
Make that just a person.
Mother are park.
My charge was needing a flow.
My babies take life to dream.
Examination fruitless.
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