Saturday, October 16, 2010

Silly Me

No one wrote any comments to my last super positive blog, so I guess it isn't my negativity that keeps people from responding.

I suppose that most people just have other things to worry about, like what they're trying to do.

Right now, I'm trying not to succumb to nausea from the beer I had too close to my meds.

I went for a walk, went to the Circle K (at 6:30), stood around looking for something to buy, rejected the idea of getting a job there (since I don't belong there, do I?), then walked down the highway to the Shell station (after self-consciously wondering whether any men would be interested and feeling thoroughly disgusted with myself) where I didn't want any chocolate so bought a beer from the always taciturn woman behind the counter.

I bought a pack of cigarettes yesterday and had more of them (about 6) than I've had in months. I'm waiting for the consequent chest pains.

I certainly hope whoever may or may not read this can learn to do things sensibly for themselves rather than acting the fool. I am giving something, aren't I?

So, I will deal with everything.

Stay cool (class of '81)

Oh, yeah

Sex is great
drugs? are fun
We're the class of '81.

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