I always thought providing the raw materials was a snap.
: Ginsberg's meeting with Pound
Face a roles
Move bores haven to morsha.
Crawl for old base of ways.
(the pay was dreams)
Walk your there-train under men
for dreams of language.
Bowels sink peace with no maize
Face bard nails hand boring lesson is the grain.
Apples and Peaches, Grapes and Bananas, Laughter and Life.
Share sheer plane over monday's law
(the last try for estrogen's maker)
Flowers dwell tribally; roots enmeshed in soil and
microbial diners.
Flowers change word kostly testing (heifer love
beer need in blob).
Pain is a someone drawing plans for God's density
Lines of ranch people quasi-laughter typos
In a moment flowers breathe alaska western
Colma, Frasco, Night, Trees, Twinkling ladders
slipped under lakes where my mommy believes
good pants: dream basely of her freedom.
No place is weirder than a nest in a male's tray.
Flanders positively draw immemorial ashes to
flee cold hell and fried change.
Stent is dream, cold is my night. Where
you see me, I am beastly randa.
Clay enjoyment linking hands with freedom.
Play, dream, freer lays sapphire words; [?]
book a ham string cloudy as a slant road to the hell.
In wales, we traveled the many
paths of rails and free trans'
No one beastly crawls safely to money
without proper blame of days,
lairs, poems, pair twin leave trust
Guys don't bean murons.
Last here is ways: mail life in
an eel troubled stream.
Glass twinning Life is mirroring a
glade where unicorns feed on plastic
flowers (braided with elgin straws).
Leave me be alive and tray fail
hole glowers light through kind
smalling gold.
Play words is ace freedom. Believe planes star
with peace (Families need that layer climbing
to shaven prone lays)
Francesca dwelthere,a woman of freedom has
chairs and a gown past
My flaw (glass praise wilt rails in the
friendly places. Cold Draughts
Good stuff from my hospital BIP diurnal.