Be Bu
Be Bu
Noight Doight
A Bore Bubboo
I Cloud BaBa
No Sun Shaft Borrowed Darl
Quit Being Stupid, Bird. Guilt is Nerd.
I feel Word Dark Word Here is Word : Urgo BoBo I fought More Drew Soft Galosh.
No one Poor is Bore. I Poor Baloney Or No Dar Ba.
Cassino Montague HaFa MaNa.
Glowering, the Stars I have Naime. Puto is BuBu. Work, Lulu.
Khoisan Narma Banana. Weird Bird Crone Stars in Bird Why Bother a Nerd. Curd.
Kinshasa Word is my Fried Murker Loial Darkness BuBu conned me with Naught but BuBu.
Clearly Dreams stop BuBu: Art Grates the National Falamity: Queer Goes Tops Washed Out.
Gay Life Moose is Moose Coldness Boosted Boost. I bolled dream of my Mom is BuBu.
Liars stop Manassas with bothering lands. Stop Here. People creepy. I work by my Mama puso
Work here is a nono. Crone is popo.
Around Mama Gold is priestly shaping croak.
I no what is bubu: Queer Moose works I have love: Wise Baba. Need a pair of mommies for my
Land of Bruce Stooping with his bird dark farness is boring. Caused here darkness stopping a Moment.
A star I realize she did me to be topped another way.
Glowing here, Sartre trashes Money for his dreams treated here with words Dot.
I Glow passionately for the pain caused by loose arcing wear is your Nike?
Creeping I saw a Ferris Star in Piraeus no mon.
The glow from Jamaica Boulevard sees my money partly birdy queer is work hoho. Money sharks.
I go away today here I was here.
Drag my money is teaching clowns I work as nut for a bird, a Queer Nuttaller, flapping cheeks here why I am topping My Mom pandering is sick.
I work here I am working. I am bored with this person dirty and nothingness is nude possibly far away.
Glow Bo, You Believe God is Your Life.
Cranberry Trot-ting walks here my Mom I love, bothering Baba is narcotic shirt with a floured dumb perkins.
Marlin Parkings.
Clowvenly Dreaming.
Sharking Plowing Poem.
PooPoo is a shamed to be no one.
I have love I have Love. Why? I am here. Possibly I am a Moose. Bobo
Clowvenly dreams birds are needed. Believe in words possibly family buys me bird word: Quick stop here. The bus got me in my dreams.
Show Low, Got it?
Why Bother Dangerous People?
I am here. Darkness Sartre tingles pleasing his work. Wow. A body seems to lie under my frame: another stack of computer diskettes seize my phlower with ecstatic cranes. Plow me!
Jaunty Destiny (whispered): Naked foul brain must release soft pussy for money as slave of its own punk.
Shit, no one makes trouble like me, a drunken top in the crimes of my Maisie, who is thought queer.
Beneath I am Jamie trusting in a friend to go to the darkness softly: Why give money to hate?
Fie K Rngo. Worlds shit like a whore no one loves in her troubled nature. Jamie borrowed her mind to be sane. I made love for my Mother's entrancing clown: Guare John momentary.
Home I love you.
Dang, I am a bird. Caught in the facts of my mango testing flowers for brains shtesta clower Quirk.
Stink of money Dar Es Salaam. Shocking is my man: Tree a flower for my Maisie, dog of word.
Safire. Moorecock. Drama. Land. Shaving. Bothers. Changing.
When I talk, my Mother dries the drama with nerd. Class is in the flower, poor with taju markings.
Plow. Moose. And now De poors her night fame is her land.
I give you shining clouds for your .
I show my Mothe r Dear is Loose. Testing commas. The hairy one fails me. Wow feel and lake a friend in a tremendous Fake.
Yours Cluely
Staph Infection.
Blame mascer wial.
Troll no one knows.
I was alive when I was waiting Tasca plue.
Drug many is a randestun qwowk
Lord of Noise, Flask is your Moyl flaming?
Jesus famous word target your life it is love as a way to be mere dream of another thayer.
Admiral: Your ship makes me Quail.
Randy my Mama. Dildoes. Tossing. Charges. To. The. Braces of my a family dreamed safety got it here.
Family dreamed pope is a whore for its nothingness: Castle Sant'Angelo. Bomb my thoughts. I am stupid with a rare narcotic flame.
Chick was here. Bobo is life to another tramp.
Sylvia Rivera tells me this is shit: Make a friend, not my mess.
Teach clowns for their bear.
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