Ms. Chelsea Goodwin is the hardest working transgender woman in town.
Her exact provenance is a question she attempts to leave in mystery, preferring to claim origins from across the U.S. and around the globe. I find this to be part of her appeal. That she may be from a Merovingian family or from the Lenappe Indians allows me to know and accept different aspects of humanity in myself -- usually opposite to the ones I am consciously attempting to portray.
Before you go, "hold on, Elsie, what do you mean by that?" let me assert that the great majority of us live in confusion and despair precisely because we are seemingly inescapably tied to no more than one half of who we are, thereby being enslaved to the other, denied or hidden "halves." I believe that Chelsea, by being a "variable" in so many respects, can and has helped free people to be all of themselves. At least that has been true for me.
I believe that Chelsea has been in places that are very rare for any human being to attain. I've been in a lot of places ("within") myself, and I recognize that Chelsea has taken on aspects of reality that give her energy to understand and influence others lovingly that can only be possible because she has been where that person is coming from themselves. So, with her, nothing human is alien to her, though she always fights one person trying to make others unfree or controlled or treat others unjustly.
Chelsea's shamanistic personality goes along with, in my view, a very difficult life in which she has faced rejection from some very intimate relations. I don't want to state who may have rejected her or what manner of rejection it was, because I don't know for certain. (And at times I have also rejected her.) But I do believe it was witnessing the destructiveness of human relations to herself and being happy anyway in the totality (good Sartrean/Marxian word) of what the Universe is, i.e., the Divine Feminine, that goes along with unconditional love.
This is all a line of shit that is taking me nowhere.
She loves me. She comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable, and that's what life is all about. She wears some really cool duds.
She deserves love and recognition.
She taught me what it is to know that life is to claim as my own.
She led me to teach myself that honesty and sincerity are the beginnings of love. At least for such like me.
She also worked in the Strand, and she's a great reader, and she's got good taste in women.
If you're reading this and you know her, she is a bitch. I can think of no higher compliment.
Let me say just one more thing. She put into effect what others only talk about. Motherhood is part of that. In other words I have been a really poor her.
So, let's be nice.
Julia (c*)
(Not the Actor)
From the future (Nov. 8, 2012): I'm really glad this has had 3 page views today. It is well written and still holds true today, though our relationship has deteriorated over the years. I love you, Chelsea. Not just because I'm a crazy vamp(ire), because you're my teacher.
ReplyDeleteapparently deteriorated