Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A few choice morsels sent in the breeze

Bears flammbe on motorcycle seats
Sirocco in the springtime
Galadriel marry me

SExuality encompasses such a wide array of activities, thoughts, wishes, desires, dreams, hopes, feelings, and of course ecstasies, that there is no reason to think that I can or must write about it as a "whole."

Okay, Love under Will.

What exactly is that?

To me, there is a very large overlap between the two such that each is an aspect of another. Without one, there would not be the other. I know this is a commonplace statement for a pagan philosopher such as myself, but I've got to start somewhere.

Victory over another part of Creation has the quality of creating Victory over the Victor.
"She is coming"
I am glad you know that.

You know, those Indians killed settlers.

I have to believe that with every bone of my body, down to the deepest darkest marrow of them, that I am loving because there is no Goddess unless I make her.

Settle and live.

Be happy.


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