Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Central Planning




I have a hos/ice

Lance a don


Lowell was fussy
Cunt trussed

William tried his mind;
He pulled :  I lied.

Whole poems a last
We(r)d poem

As my rowell pope claim

As my rain tope cole


Oil A whole
Blow oak.

I have what's pop

This pain cold me; this pain dries; this pain weres oak.

I 'ost patch; Ee ok.

The answer went -- Deal poem poem I hastily peace world
Oh a hole poem drama:  Kinship I weight here with ponds.

Oh bump were poem I leave.  Oh were lone trouble.

Soil around my witch:  cold and listening, working, pushed me here; here , here it is.

No wenc clay

I raise whores pinching me lying, working softly and a bot worm london is a nolo.




ah, my mind alive here , trying



Coil yes



I home pay 'ost.


I wear my whole ee love gay mom ee were here:  poem of allah/tu western entrance
Under my mother;
Or arish pain called me negro :  cole:  where is dr/ab where is oh, when is when?

Loyalty I have western train I love I love clay poem pussy work tossed in tom :  western
 -Yids- scale

-Whork-  Loyalty pan:ding oh where is a long word ne:er  poem toss me a warek .

Up in here dies orc love  :  Whales toss my hanging cole:  where is this binge here Awful
Toney Costs affirmation I know her.  Indeed, he is a lonely train sorry he loves dommynation.

Scoiled in Wenc I need a:lone flower ashes work(?)

Oil -- questioned(s)  loyalty ,,,

Too much family; too much hit ashes; too words; too words; toss me I donce cunt
Wills sanity london drama witches here ate a word in trouble safely pain whole.

No hope I love peace tying change here is a knight where I am faced (candles here)
Queer or not.  Stable alive.


EZ ah.

liberation nace quinces eat home I like a fair brenda hope.  He is here.  Drama werech.


Clam men

Wilt thou God is it?

Wilt thy cole eat -- where is it?

Dunfeddie Dunlaw ago work.

Shonnie nana a whoop he hope

Andrea teased ingrid with pain or popularity.

Quench the queer magnetic omen.



Soak a hair where mo(o)ch gaffs here no where where it is.


Cope here a(m) wales ton't clake western

Ello trouble he I O.

Golden Eesher pales of orter were here.





o well



Roman ingrid dwells in train a weirdo closed troubles as she and I called her (possibility?)

laugh at my mind negro spending Ingrid tree is Inchon dwarf poem.


The law


I laied here daean or poem?  He needs honda pa-le quenching e-la e-zo

Tanzania I'nt quart wenc a act of answers.  Wis is this?

Law Hi life he-lo combing cope here is you a father trasvestie cause a



I like this.

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