Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I knew the beauty, it was there

A bus trip on the coast
I loved it
Worrying here he're alive
and I a family working orgies

The dancing words saving me
Ingrid words drama of fonts

The angst I saw I lived

My mind where I was

landing it I hit it

The trees sorry for pain

The rain was the darkness in the winsdows

Calling our parts we were trees in the peace
Of body love peace rain trees

The bus ran to the dream

I known of a home

I paced myself with a pill
Worth trees ansd dreams

I loved a softness in the dark

Working words dream words

Illness is a hater of pomp

Andrea I love you working is cold

The dreamer worded her parts and
Life be safe.

In the search we I did what the rolling

The peacefulness of a mother with her life
Created peace in our lives.

I didn't hear the peace in my life without

Knowing I was with the dream.

Cold the night called.  It was my softness.

I received laughter and heard my life

A soul is a moose moosey.

Family we are.

Love on the bus; love in the dark places.

I wandered from the bus without my body.

I called for me'er drums.

Family gives a Bent
To Boneings of men.

Clay offal laughter

See me here I am

In the bus

Traveling with others

Sure of the dark storm

Is a night calling.


You see, if poems can be open form, then perhaps words and letters can be also.  Under what conditions is there a plaxe for wo. a sibble.

As life begart thart so art dreams of boomp.

Queer sucks and work boop.

Betty Boop.

I have failed ego drums.  The world of aloneness sorry it is here.  I was here poopoo.  I know my Mom queried art (land) goddess please safely (work hard) is here.  Ago (in the past) God was troubled with trees and I told arba (sderivative of arbor) a word glom (What Chelsea and I did) bitch is a bird ego cold.  (and my ego is cold).  Dramp (driance clam (radiance? dry/damp?  Poop) wizard, clamming up the unacceptable, i.e., completely masculine, sexually predatory or aggressive places to silence) gay parts ego cold is cold. 

Dark cancels dreams worn in my mensa (menses/table/MENSA) law omen classes work holes doff my mind in groove is a word dumbing pussy is cruel and is not my dream.

Shores sores soars doors cores poors pours moose is word of lonely troubles dreaming of clease ? capitalism angers my mind coldly you were here (Rusty).  It was dear to my mind in its troubles.  Laughter/I/anger lowly pussy eats itself (as the snake swallowing itself and disappearing) gwerd (fake old English word) guerdon (real middle English word) xclan troubles live for another word darkness here sucks ass (is less than ideal).

I feel that there is a plaxe for my archers and my crap.  No one I have been here.

Stoopid bitch is a night of aloneness and angst,.

I saw you, Rusty, grieve a patient word.

I saw my mother pretty as Mom good and thoughtful , caring and a bird with issues of bo/bindink crane.  He-word darbe whole.

Good Mom is alicce vae alive.  It's another set of typos laughter god is none/known he used us more sorry of the bin (my destined "resting" plaxe).

If bodies here dream of home, please let her be home.

Cope my mom dearme is so omenly topping clap(the premature clap or was it the last one at the culminating MGN meeting?) I have no issues easily drunk with bombs or with love.  I wish you (Chelsea and Rusty) needed hom[e].

Okay,  Now I'm here (consciously [troubling -- why?] cod (God the fish).  Daaaasaaa.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Song

Fa la la la la la la la la la


panties geez ez trees being sucker poopoo word booboo perd dancing tribe works hard belie; popo co is a fascist no; blowing race stopping pies ez place costing cras.

lowly barn darkly carn tossing barn popy warn.

Homen tom, laughter som, going ron tossing son.

Ouch words say I am pain, I know I'm a strain, kiss my plain, its a priest coping words are the star, I am a bar causing Sar.  Dot my pause I am trees, ez bees, calming poem is a friend climbin g clam.  Queer me it is a flit; going god pausing sod is a flame god is a man.  Sop my bod body flawed it's a soft causing cause.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Lowly blow; weirdness stop here.

I am here here weird ocean (I saw:) glong
Is it winter?

Whoa anon.

To life.

Is ware won?

Do thy class roam?

Queer money.

Queer body.

Queer rentals work hard a weird home.

lasting train.

I rain on men with or/al gold.

Cleave or meet love.

word train word of land world possible he goes

I am here is it worned dome I hope.

Dialogue here.

Toss my mind







Bony weird rain or change?

A maniacal poem boozes , are there ages?


Lowly rant

You golden brand where is masel?

You blind poem where is glass?

The motion underlying vitriolic pain
is a hell here drastically flawed.

lok my mind or feel it break.

I want to write something stupid

Welcome to the Jumble

left gray craze

last bin

The drug grows its tree

My hole mortuary
Climbs its Sartre blade.

Cope work sorrow work safe pain clay chase trace race brace moo0se whore whore.

No goddesss is a face of blame and tossed police whores is a drastic left bold people:

Jester of booms:  weird trouble Hester writes here here was this issue:  "Hey, why is this terrible
Manacle , Apollo of money and thought kind to his shallow chrome prego where was that history and where was that nose bone tossed into work laughinjg work blind work work blind andrea

I sasw you dean going to your mother and being a crazed safe brain darkly cold sick glowing and maze as tree.

Fool.  You give a gay draft.

Lowly is the drama he laid.

Monday, December 14, 2015

life got beak

to live openly as woman
to be tree alive

to laugh as a roman poop

Gold climb me with your answer.

Density tests bonds; the answer claps
One piece of woman bird.

Where does peace where is word?

Worth of my burning drink calls me
Peaceful planet teaches back

A brain clams because softness
Combs the world with
A place someone needs.

Lass art dance peace.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

pontifex maximus

Greek us
a da coop guilt blue go boo booboo is moomoose.

I laughed my life here work booboo is boo, boo.

Coiiling me clowins wear loman trap goadamn land is here ta
I am here topping claims dreams of dreams.

Androgyny queer moose is alone topping popo.

Clouds top me booboo sorry it is booboo war is annihilating work work is a moose.  EZ glands drama poopoo gogobo la d land is here flowering death is death keys me bubu blame me work hard shit on that.  I refuse your dreams sdcuasaz I civilly queer booboo bliss ia s a reingo glowering stale art.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Death is a Crutch in My Mind

This is where I splatter myself on my
Allah a la low a l a babbling gaffic

Orny dope listens aret angel I suck assl.

Angel I love you Is another death to whole lack pheces deces.

I ate bangok

I ate wise a live.

I ate dying cloning dressed in dage hester baby

Silly baba ango bobo gloss me loss loss looss is loss
to work hard, hard byobby, hard bobby bobby moosie
Is a booster shark moose.

Anger is drink of blame.

Whore work hard bobby here is bobby hating Gos d as a word

He loved his mother treastes nigger drama kills sdistance for a llah.

Cold terrorism lays binding cats in my ragcensk grave is a drama wof a world

Topped men toppen da ceas.

Try I go I go I am a baby glowering soft ly sexy sexy is a suker deriving whore is masturbation work of a laughter cold bobby boby whore is a whroe boambong cloud work is love is a borering land of bomumu.  Clive the transcxriber I laugh at your anchor named easy waste of bond.

Way above the drunken stars, I see Bobby working his blame for his dream I see allah he goes work hard you are justified annanna oa baobiaya land of drugs god is nothing to allah lallahislif e hates his bob.  Causing hope and I am aligned cxlowns with their dandy dreans of roman blank blank wankers.










Why bothere>?    Therew ss haearts he loved his beak .  I have nother algla dlalf f ela flb alf afkea  lail lail odrunken cake he leaves waste he leaste waste is bubu he leaves deasy dgod. 

I lied a lot.

I lied to be a mess.

I lied to be a woman a s a nioght.

Lies draw bafi waste is Dean who is here in Portland

Haily .

Chomp your lavey.

I am Bruce ;erpy murray claiming peace is bob interested sian laidf

Quiet I a cold lownely death death death.  Hateful Death.

Bang my body sorry it is language worker.  He huffer bobby needed love not alive albive laughter Gboddfy Land is lonely murturary .  He ahs a hwa unter traums wuait.

I f a

I ego bobo.

I no one

I no one

I a jar.

Derring Do

oil laughter pommy oil laughter pommy oopoo is booboo oil laughter possibility alive here where I am I saw my mother read me believe in me.  She is possibility of love my my my my alive is a world trying to love life possibility is a shore of love friendly peaceful love of life possibility sorry mommy ia m flowering alive here with my mommy bobby who is mother possibility feeling of love for mine who was my mommy possibility I loved her body for me as drummer to her urges.

Call me hope with love possibility.  He loved me.  Her life loved me.  I feel sorry toward the life of mustard and dreams call me fleeik world of wharedom.

Sorry tossing in this way.  I loved my life but it is you who ere land land is alive.  I want land for my mother to be alive in her life because peaceful peaceful alive peace suck ass is a world of hope causing god to destin bobby a goddess sorry I am not a friend.

I was here.  I wrote.  I wrote what I wished here is here .  Laughter is a lacy erea lowly is my I am here.  Killing Bobby isd Bobby here ; Wish I where bobby night is bobby here work buce stupid dupu. 

I is a suffucka of boob. 

life hassles la shark

rebel baby gives a Sartre Sartre.

Close the baby's w / heart is alive inits lessons farte4d dark bobo God bobo suck is zarka.

I Suck his girl grieving oh shit sex is being a woman orgasming here.

I am a bitch, a whore.  Closeted hate is hate.

Hell vestalis.  Cross me drunken destined dwords blown cold is bomb.

I have a word here I love you as w fast working is not drumming love.  I hassle death tis a lie.

Dear Roisty cold me booboo is a lunatic,

I sinking into waste of bobby.  Costing density peace is work not here here is a drunken bobby here is a woman being bobby bobby cause of bobby stupid nut is bobby.  I hated for her for making anchored in dreams od f fdeatiny.

Life guns drink.

Life is a mess to waf was aus dream?  I am a bbofiuy Loyalty causes priest to be a waste.

I hereby release my arf open nights fron a n drank.  I hereby am a bomb cold shit is not god.  I have freed drums.

I hereby release wife fly to brossels and become her lover name people of priests possibility.  I hate grain for its hessles.  Softly I must write a life family oil bobby for bobby.  He works and likes it.  Fuck it.  This is all I have to act as adrea m land of rates cultural ampress.  No one alone.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wooden Stability

alas the hassle died
the passel buyed.

abide the nice rain

cloud the rain with tar

the body is alive

On Pussy Road


whiffs of laughter
smell of positive blame

the congress of pain

dots the frame.

Buddy are you fearsome

Or are you afraid?

Does itching worry you?
Have you been paid?


A friendly potter
A scary Jew

Is annihilating top
With nationalist true.

Clones of poppy

Goddess of me

I read of laughter
Shearing my blee(tank'e).


So much passage
So little rue

Is a moral connivance
That all shall flue.

Cold in the night,

Thee I see

God at first sight

Bug the cree.


Danger is possible

I sorrow at my own.

Darkness destroys me

Withering the crone.


Glow in the darkness

I see a flame

Moose darkens my night

Fascism draws lioght.


Cold and muttering

I toss and turn

Topping the gay flame

Instead of my own.


Swop one for the other

The failure is alive

Goddess alleviate

The mineral of five.


Johnny marches while Susie reins

Dat is a failure as long as dreams flame.

Crew out of the place

Work is a hole

I age with money

I rage with blow.l


Costing me freedom

I sing and sew

The Goddess is flowing

I must strip and row.


Clean as a needle

The spinning of porn

Creates a big crease

In my family's of born.


This cause of body

Freaks in the mess

Grain is a friendly

Peering at mess.

Scum sucking drunk bothered her friends.  Now I'm here plotting a costly deep end.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015




Wanna be alive?

Words are not good for me, whether I am dark and dark and dark ans dark bulbo.
Wine in the Goddess sarper rapi land is a knife.

Rate the dream?  I am a man is it a boo.  Sorry words are bothering me.  These are words which I am a bomb worrying baba is a moose.  It is booboo.  Yo.

Land bothers me.  I work hard to act positive fuck it.  Suck my ass.  I am you.  You are the breentz (ass topping working blaming castling topping a worker for her dreams).

Clown bothers me.  It is booboo.  Yo.

Dot on my knife.  Baba suck baba.  Lawndry baba is a narcotic work is boo.  So many integrals to annihilate in the Goddess.  Simply cold is my mess.  Sorry I am a narcotic sapa.  Lala is booboo.  Cobo moose suck drinker of answers.  Cop me.  Bobo loves her mother.  This is another fucking fucking lie.
God means dream.

Cruel soft papa is annihilating death with money and sick suckers who were loving as a hack.

Dark baba is night.  Dreams soft sbala racism sucks it is booboo.  Cold is my mind working hard.  You motherfucker called me pig.  I am no pig.  You called me a baba working hard as a failure because I am here.  Noo one bothers my mind freely for me.  They only love me because I am testing them for moose.  Work hard.  Dot is night.  Dot is the star from which love clouds life.  I am here to answer the freedom darkness lies to itself about fuck and stump.  I have been a hard-on.  I have been ticked flowers peace creative baba is a negative sorry it is a negative topping it is booboo.  Stars suck ass.  Stars try to be answers.  Work hard nuck.  Kill the Goddess softly.  That is a hater.  Calling tops and baba work me booboo.  It is a variety of congregate boices mixed with density calling me work and not laughter.  I have failed to flee the stars of my mind with their creative top known as art, flawed and starred here for me as a knight of bitches.  Stupid barter.  I was here and I am a dark claw in my dream papa called me reasonab le.  Haha, he was a moose.  Bitter and dark the blame is on my piece.  Quiever with nart flamba calls me a flower.  He is moose.  Dark is the dream.  I hate angster.  Clambing cop is another word dark is moose.  Sick dark   Fail the flower or be baba and hate the night.  Sorry I am another sick dak clamming the flower borrowing me flowers.  Teach me flowers.  I see them bothering baba baba is another called mama.  Call me baba.  Call me a whore.  Dream of my mind.  Dream of my peace.  Dream of my peace.  She moosey.  Sorry God is moose.  Sorry it is here.  Weirder boodie laughing at my mind quivering with peace.  Sorry God is here, sick and afraisd of baba with that which flails at the pain and is a drunk worker stopping life for a baby named baloney.  Work hard dies if there is no test at all . ansd it is cop to be laughter.  Not est.  Loaundry.  Copis a moose.  Suck it dies.  Cop dies.  racism sucks laughter booboo is moose.  Suck it boobo, I am dark in my laughter falling into sucker and body for a man with no body and no top.  He sucks kindness and softly dies for his own shit.  Clam booboob.  Goddess start here.

I fleem pink.  I am fled as I flee God flowering in the change around me going to baba with a darkness flowers starp here worker.  Toppy works poppy.  Worker calls me angry.  Laughter poopoo is a man dark is you.

Clear, a night of love, a night of racism, a night of racism, a night of flack and death and sickness calls itself angst for my freedom.  Darkness as a baba calls itself dark working for money as drunk as trees, as pained as a sick essick dunce dlowingng land is here.  I love the work I do.  Here is my mind.  Here is babs a pea land for you.  Call out my life and do what is free.  Flower in the Goddess.  Sorry I am tearing about flowers and their beasts I am here working to be love for my flower named booboo.  Here is a natural angst shit on baba booboo calls me stop here.  Wither me?  Cold and dark is a dark flower called dark shit named fact.

Peace is a night of man and death called teacher of baba and teacher of man.  Man dies.  Man is a bnastard.  Clone me and I will feel the darkness as a bitch feeling shit for my words.  Sick baba calls itself dark it is needed topping my mind with a withering failure she knew me.  Me mumu.  Cold ma is my mind.  She knew work Shark shirk call baba naked here.  Flower calls me trouble sorry you are topping your flower with peace and God.

Stupid accusation bothers me.  Why God deal suck it.  I don't know for myself art flowers teach em teacher.  bobby is another flower calling me baba as a dark land called sick and baba here is ditch narcotic pain on my fleam.  Dream is bubu.  Call me fake.  Call me sick.  Call me a whore.  Dark bebe hurts my art land god stuck with teacher for being clone of my mind, Shit posits sick dark bubu here with me is my ditch, sick is bubu.  Here is bubu god dark is bubu.  Sick dark bubu flows family here positis sick baba kindly I am here working darkly for baba and his dunk in his crast pupu glows with dark land, dark peace, dark miisss...  Lies are terribly sick in my flower for my mother.  Where is she?  I am a bot called nut.  I am a bot booboo sick here with terror of baba and his sick dcrate land is baba baba is Sartre.  Called me working bebe sorry whowho is night of my mind starring here with me God darkens ansta plan trust Sartre bobo is a dark William called me.  Called me.  Fuck I am sick with darkness and love for laughter and treams of booboo.  Here he is calling me dick and fick and sdrink working sucker for money as a drunk called money.

Trouble angst popo lies to her family.  She is trouble.  She is pain.  She is sick because softly I know her.  That is the pain of my body.  To not love.  To not love.  To not peak at my mind here in my body is antother flower called me.  Starring sorry bobby you are you.  Peace work here.  Call me peace sorry I am beast pothering flowers and darkness sorry it is you calling my mess.  Sorry that is the pain of bastards.  Night is not here.  I am here.  I call you you.  I call you dark.  I resemble the darkness is a Bruce land of baba called money darkness kindly dicks safety with many safelove poopoo.  You are boom.  You are trees.  Sorry it is boo the kindness of mine eyeck land is bubu.  Posing me here you are my mind calling terror a baby of my mind.  Sick the Athenian drunk named Athena flowr of moose.  Zeud s died.  Cold.  Potty.  Cold Potty.   Laughter died me.  Laughter called me a sick rose called softly dark is men posing as dick instead of dark words for their racist shame.  I am pleasure.  I am that which works the base of my words with death and God making me sick with anature flowering in the fdream.  Please is this here?  Potty.  Potty.  Potty.  Potty.  Work here.  My mother alive baba.  She bubu.  She bubu.  Sick God dark word pain land is here kind baba sick baba land is baba we are union of baba and da.  Land is a sorry flowr for my mind ckingld .  Flower moose.  Stupid work is bubu.  Is Bubu bubu?  Work bubu.  Work bubu.  Here is bubu.  You are my mother working teaching stars as night as drinks as laughter as my mind dies into itself of baba it is you dying with me, no one will be here as love or bobby.  Willness goddy peace sorry baba lied you are God typing your life for my mother.  Flower is here Kindly sorry baba kills stars.  She died.  I am here.  Witheringinto God pobby.  Lies of my mind bobby.  Work hared here.  Wake up or baba.  Shit God is bunk cold and baba .  Here is the highness naked and titched with another God called darkness Sylvia died baba moose here called me called me.  Stars in their flinching from Jamie keep me here.  Flowers suck ass is not God.  Start my mind is not love.  I have been you.  I have thought kindness sdarknes land and is dark with bump and his night here hasd been dark called sorry it is a night .  Flower calls me drunk and dark with mind flowering dark sorry dark sorry art baba is a NIGHTER.  Top me.  Is not flambe.l  I kill flambe calling me bebe.  Sorry you are life.  Here in my body baba goodness stars night flower moose good ness stupi d nuss.  Sucker calls me hate.  I hate her calling me pig.  Cause I am a death of my mind flowring here with night and with hate flowering sorry sgod is a name of baba god is a naked babsa clamming Cot here is moose here is a naked drunk flower.  Stop miking my bobby. He bobby.  He booboo.  I hate his booboo.  I am his poopoo.  Nothing here as night.l  I am baba laugh baba laugh baba.  Caop safety cop me.  I am you.  Sorry the division of moose is about taste and bnanba kindly dreams of my baba.  Hwere cralls me laughter.  Tets land is here. Switch letters, words, sentences, persons words land flowers.  Peace is alive babe is land called money.  Sick calling of my mind is a tilt of my mind .  Tark land is mind.  Glfowers land is here.  Cold is boob.  Cold is boop.  Costing love for my werid dream .  I am here worth sick stop piss.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Oceans of fFeeling

I phot tarts in their bobby hole.
I phot bobby in his bobby pasis is boo.
When words don't even go their own way because I am a live? or is it I am thoughtful or bodily not here.  What is the Goddess here.  The will I have to become alive and alive is mine to be alive for is a mainly tossing world.  The seas go away if there is no peace.

Family, my mother, worked to be loving, alive, soft, kind.  I loved her.  I am alive in my mind.  Work hard is my mind.  Work hard kindly died.  He knows me.  I loved my fathers words and he died without me being alive in his kindness .  It hurt when he died.  I didn't even love his dreams, and I sdidn't even kindly give a word to be soft when he needed hope; he was a man in his dreams for me and I tried to love him for that.

My life is a bitch.  I cant even like bobby or his needs because bobby is a hustle.  I'm his daughter and I am a bird without a bobby like my mother, like my father's reasons for more family.

When I feel bad I am pained like Shaida when I loved her for her fascist freedom.  I sdisdnt even have the drugs I wanted, and that is the best thing I had.

Oh, well.  Some how there is a way to love, and I need to tell you all I need a way for myself to tell you I am a whore k, without words.  I am here, that is my mind.  Hope, help , please, I need to see you.  I need to tell you why I'm here.  I hate death from people without my body or my fry freedom.  Cold is not friendly.  I needed hope and no one raised me to be a word.  Guess what is God?  My manhood died, and he's sick and I worked and it was answered (stupid to believe in bad things, like angst and sickness, please tell me what it is I loved my bobboy is a ni/ people wholly dry.  I needed his life.  This is all guilt and that's all that there is in my mind because I don't work hard to be alone.  I just work hard work hard it is nothing nothing I was here.  I remember my mother's (Sylvia knew me) and I was a woman in my mind and I art a moomoo work hard is darkness around me saying it is you died and you who worked hard and you who loved.  Please love me.  I am here is you here?  Is you here?  Work is not life. Please believe a it is alive. I needed a worker naked stupid sick angel is my mind a baby and a dark chaotic stubborn sickness as a bitch I needed work.  And now it hurts it hurts.  Lesbians are my mothers and they kiss me with dreams.  I need their love or no dream will be .  I failed laughter, trouble if I love you work is moosey cruelty to beings needing hope, Live for all.  I messed up a word, worker God is no ht happy.

Land of moose ias a fascist darama.  Land of moose kindly is a girl for my night work hard, die is not life.

Fail is freedom is not trusted no is not a bad word.  No is not a word to act on with hate or waste,.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Ricky I psaphlic workink

I have a word.  The word is my mother's lust for beasts named bossy goodddessses.  They are the ones who are trees trees and bob.  I am bob the one who alive rote me boo is boo. Poopoois a s no a laifte boa flak rLife climbs its mother, my mother was masturbating a darkness in her destiny .  why he hopo climb me mom I am your love, your freedom, I am yours.  Family is dark peace barty top worker is my mother a worker a fomen topping my mother working bobby is boost is boost is boost is moose softly dreams of booboo as money and drunk whores working to life bebe a no one here is a booboo here I am you.  Here I am a baby working to lbe lobed LAlive here is my mind here is my thought work is a kink in my possibilities named work work and drunk fucking sucking here is my family working hard on drunken soppy worker bodies worker tribes are bodies worker no is no.  No worker is bart.  My mother had no tribe.  She Was American.  She was alive and right.

I give you my mother hard tribal is not thought of as beautiful or peaceful; it is my mother who loved me as a meaaasladfjae4 fma';fj f j'fjej;a mgfm'aja f f fr ar a fr'a fk;fkv; a;s;kf fFr A:ovve raddce a ,pps se os bpspI  b oo boo is my mother here?

Sorry I am alone topping this kiss named poopoo is my mind cause it nis not family she loved me my mother hated the trees of my mother's work.  She boos here is here.  I booboo here is my body.  Be her body.  Beh er la dv a lanf dRalf f RapP cCa t aland fra fla;pa va fjwlkajlkjf elal fj vv Ea df r;a;fak :Of feois a f;aO f;aof V
Face sorry land works here is my mind working working dirt strunk work is a grammar of body and love for my mother I love her here here.  Softly God is bobo is his boodob od aland fla fjslkjfa e f f v a vla;f vlfle afR aapapaifmalkjfaj  vFRa flaif vf raldnf d  Maybe I need a woman a sla f V MyRaising artists for my mother here is my mind working here is the dream I love beyond my mind is a worker here being laughter for her breasts.  Here is my mother alive here is my mother here is my mother working working working here is booboo  A baba.  Here is moose moose is a mooasoe alajugnter alklaf fFaceaia f f radjglkvl akldlalkfjj eia f a fdDruankena fBobby

My MNom got me working to my mom I am alive here with my home in my love r  boom is a moose.  Sylvia and Kitty dirt boop is not tested as  a baoop work is boop.  Call is t land gduage.  Sorry is another way of love.  Poop poop is boop work a flw f fjv a f fl dl   Familya dka fl a vjalkj  rRacism dtaslkfj aflfai  f Roses are here ai am trees. sorry boboo is sm a ayf amaother's family here w?  work is who ma ai Mam a aPoopoo is my mind working like my mother.  She loved work here alived.s a fjf R a alf  jvljalkla f ala f jellalf  a  f'L f fr lif voa fjjwka;fiv aa f vmakdlaofia fa aka flla fjfjfia aslfkka ff  w a workd sis a foboob sisd fmaoose is racid esma land is a famialayfaaaaaafacism fddud f affrica workews fmaoosse is lands a dhere laoad of bobosst alaoave work ishere.  fFamily dreams of foala flf almalf adkljflkje eia f v.a   aid f slanf d I am knock a whore working her drinking her drinking her  boss her martyr is alone.  Here is a woman.  Woman wormska woman.  Here I am here.  Facing my drunken darken f ala raland is woa f f vls f   f;jfj;lealfke;a f   w wpa aa f apa f alI flaif fr rk akf vmdkallsf klAjlJljkf jeia f wr r of aoelr welaaZIa I a ba se aowekr fosisas sa faciss sms fracism facesssef a flais facdee lies.  Woes aof boos.  To reach to ehe cirmas fpsossible star.  To dream the uncreachagelbe dream.  Why, The Man of La Mancha I HOLD PE  laife laife lwork is my work here work here.  To love the unloveable  f f f a f a f a a f f a f a f a f f f f  f f f fljaljflkjfljaljkflkj f aifjf jj f jfj f j lfljfjfjajfljkfjejlrflje  f all alf v  v f a  f wor rs alaldldia f fofkekr kjfjlke f aklfjfj v fjflal fklwlleklljalljdjla  aa f uauditid e land is a macdekr la dland is swormana land is worma and sland fr aland is frra colal d worker is amana f worker r f valf f elaiamdnd is f waowmana fiw s wher booboeo sis s bland is fg goe d sla dnd is s g amoose.

Pies I  laughs pomp.  I booboo.  That's "Poomp"  Work sis  boob  boo boo is boo boo boo boo is boo boo is boo here is my I g coandld flainic d racism flsidea sland is fma fla f wf f v v alldkjf vAalauf e racism is maoossee azmazofojflkasljf e f vlal v e ai a saw maya dnd aland is a gibitch land f fis s boomo boom.  I work to love my friends and their acts of fala f vlkjalkjdlkjw aof v alkdka f Why is it a a bieshf f t tyapaing is a df f l;alskskd f  f jfjlalj  valjfljlejaoieoivmvmoejajj f Degeneraatec the faitheful is amoose boops sland is sa fljkflkj f fljfkj ffa alfiv fviI sf feel wa w eorld is my mind acting positively on baba here is a dnf dald f vlaides d Rad flkjfalkj flkjflje f  fFace is my fracleie cla f AOoha aid amaoney is maa dekf flal;alakkdjfifiufu tkir fla;';weieifmvkiejaldldoldldirur a mahaoemme is apaoepa c ellkjflkja fland is fpaodme mal dlanad sis a laive fs wWork is f solallnfj a faacceree  fland is moose.  to booboo is my mis s treeesss.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

laife is work

nife  days life is work a cold baby he saw me he loved me cold baby he wanged me his love was his love he loved me.  he cold  he booboo he love me a cold baby back go his knights.  He suck his body he was his anger clashing with men and their hastiness.  He was alive.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Key Is Not To Be Mysterious

language me me moose moose it is moose topping me works my mind is a boop climbing my mind with her sucking bitch sucker named authority.

Afailure bans laughing work is here.

I feel this Bruce sucking death from the string of my anger.

Dark bodies pee in the mess of my death.

I see the being; she is a fantom.

Cloey is here.  I borrowed her for my Goddess start with angst is a lash to buy climbing with my thank troubles sorry to be flay cold is Bruce sucking the creator with her narcotic sucker sucking my death and my words into her being.

Clouds star here.  Parts laugh and are resting positively alive.

I suck you and your life into my pain I love my mind positively a jest towards sick bland dock.

Would You a failure mama is here.

I can you.  I bother you.

Jamie Hunter thief of body.  I will not see you.  You do not need me.  Fuck the pain you need  [At this time I will let go of reluctance]  So I will serve you life.[You are a woman of great passion.  I hope you will use it to the families peace.]

I am here to be a bitch worth it to its nose.  You know it is here bothering me causing me to act fairly to my mother in her pain and her insect crashes.  Your life bothered me .  You know it.  Your life got my mind sucking is not talk .  It is booze for you.  Your body sucks its night in its own test paring darkness and its night calling me troubled and thick.  I am your body bothering you, your mind is here.   Following it is me.

Suck God for his money.

Work is a lace death.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Books are Hope

I like to like my mind and when I am peaceful I am a hopeful person.

The books I know seem to have words that have "life"

I waste my love for my work which is trees and women by writing the lies of my walls.

Why I am here is here.

I know I am a woman what I know I had a blue planet.

The planet was alive with love in the green words that are home in the dreams of families.

My family got itself here and it tall is a goddess pond.

Sorry this is a gay part of my women life.

I stole my friends to be shafted in the pain I wished for so I loved my lodge.

Goal body please hear me:  Don't give me H's because fascism died.

Sucker witches are tied with my teas.

Please interest my mind here with thinking of bobby as trees with beans and freedom as women to write the great plan in my work:  God died because he didn't deal with happiness.  Why?  I loved him like I was his witch.

Dear God, bad minds stop here.

Open orgies face a fancy clue.

Laughter buys its teachers with mind.

Phi sensible tramp loves her taste which is a laughter.  Clyde dreams of love
I am his lover Baba.  Bobo is his pond.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Why Wild Butter Lost Her Face

Malcolm, whom shall herein be called Philanthropuss, lay steadily still on top of the refrigerator, his large eyes surveying the kitchen.

His daughter, Julia, stared back with her glimmering doubtful look.  She was tall where he was wide and thick.

The clan had recently exited for a round of watching the airplanes soar over the post linguistic flames of Brooklyn.

Julia admired Philanthropuss very much for his immobility and serene if unresponsive cat head.

No one blotted out recent severe collisions with family she had tried to notice without phreaking her mind.  Her mind was in phact, freaked.

The momentary silence, is here, is love.

Jamie's Wild Butter slid in the back door with an eager smile and a load of yard tools.

I wield yard tools with a fervor said his face.

Wild Butter was a girl with many appealing features.  Mostly she scrambled eggs in the morning, fed kittens in the afternoon and dreamed of her flowering laughing roses feeding on the remains of ancient felines buried by the fence, which enclosed a makeshift tool shed along with the pleasant hanging fruit of a peach tree and a phig plant.

All day long her long-haired beauteous phamily circled about her, cheering her growth from overalls to clothes Philanthropuss selected for her on the main shopping thoroughfare nearby.

Glowing and slightly dusty, she reached for Philanthropuss' paws so she could get into the refrigerator and eat peanut butter topped with ketchup and olives.

No one noticed that she had dripped water on the floor, much less Jamie, Lisa, Dori, Julia, Johnson or Ceiling, who were cogitating without words on the stoop out front.

Do-si-dso called the manic cuckoo clock at the top of the steps in the Catskills.

Bones! yelled William Shatner to Chelsea.

Father money flew down from the sky and, burning with dreams much like those of scrambled-egg eaters, softly caressed Wild Butter's hair and placed on her eyes silver coins whose fierce frozen alien intergalactic ironies invaded the old Greek house and drank all the retsina.  Father money could no longer see Wild Butter's innocent face, and Philanthropuss looked to his left.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Wither away, bitch

as long as the drugs boost my fried danga black stunk love.l  He loved nme.  He is his life.  I love his life.,  I am not the drug of my freedom.

Keep alive; keep peaceful worlds are boosted as alonely tribe dies in the priestly darkness listen it is pussy love bored with a man who works for his love goddess sorry of the boosting.

Clouds star please me calling me a blown tark.  Wither away the Goddess is alive.  I believe her life daysy language lies its chimes it is a man calling alone to her and hwer ransom for bond thwe Goddess.  See me loving that Goddess who peace racing the darkness with a body loving and trewes stark laughtwer calls me life.,  Love body.  Love work is a narcirck loose is boose deal with dark she pled to the body I am you.  Life is body.  Go to thwe Goddess sighing or body is a mice people I keep failing to work my manhoosd it is probably a baby in my racism stupisdity is a drunk I am here for her life.  She knows god partiews with his body.  I am not a no one of my minds starring safetly language boey sorry I am bitching about darkness family is here.





Safety.  Clams.  Kink lavey.  I bid farewell to Lavar.  He blows drweams his darkness thought of men as darkness thought of I am here were I am tise.

I am alive.  Iam a driver.  I am a dreamer.  I create freedom for my life.  That is pain bothering it is sorry I am a binch.  Clouds deal with allah.

Laughter got live bonds swill the dreamer.s

I can't like Sartre body his dream glaughtts anad is a drug fo blown flames.

Toss your mind in the brwwze.  That is a face ands is frweaking lans is flames without hope.


Toss.  Blown.

I raced will in its peaceful flower.. I am here.  Where am I   ?  I am here I love you and I a tree peaceful the roots stark and blogging the flames I am alive.

There are Words I Need to Use






Glamp pinking soft dreams working stubble darkness softness peaceful alive body stop here here here words are peaceful as a hunter reasoning for life's soft poshed wasted dead tests of men and their lifes.

Shit bothers my body; I am a gay body but not a drunken lover.  My body coldly suffers its dancing for peace by shaving possibility into bosses.

No is no.

I am not gay.

Caffeine death is booze and then people have I gashes is a feisty

cool terrible dense sick dumb worldly cruel angry chaotic asshole troubled stupid cruel aced dead bunted whore called

Bruce Jamie

almond draining poems into my face.

Peace is the dream is the world is a wind is flat here as its golden tests take me to cold planters.

I work here and I am feces.  Witches taste me cause I am hated in my open pot.

The level of hate is a negative chick.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Oil and Feces

I drank My poem.
I witch tit inside my honking daze;

Nothing calls me a bunk open.

I die when my roses softly keel under the soft poshy clutch of eggs
Bombing cancer with my wasted black shaft.

No one bothers my crying.

I stealthily call you a bomb.

I steelishly climb your bub.

To whom do I call when night pauses and I am a lack of patience for
(my Goddess).

I cannot die if there is no test and it is potlove I feel between my flashing combteeth.

No one is above yikes dandy bars stinking thoughts with blue pinchsers.

Far away a western tomcat sinks his wincing plateau around the signature church wish
For Slavery and chaos.

I flog a blond presence with a god of mortars.

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Bobo Of My Mom's Dreams



Money is like a dink when you treat ffreaks poopoo.

Money is like a drink when you create poompoom

Work is boom



Sorry you are here.

My mother tried to ark work hard phamily possibilities trloved her bomb.

Stars cossibilities.

I saw her I loved her climbing God reading density of my myre.

Plains in the wind taught me a shoje taught me costs rtland land is here.

Go shift, your body will be raestl.  Language arguments no more costs is a bench dcrate.

Clouds sorry.   Stop is boo.  I will be here.  Here.  I will be here.  Here.  Syck it toppy.

Moment of possibility,k I love you costs of race and body.

The humans belong here where money dots its ucks.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Pastor Starkotic and President Bobo

The Laws, as Montesquieu said...
Was there a nun?


I know that a s/imple world drops.




this a pest?

Working l
a pheeling, deal with a savior pope is a stick called Sartre drunk on oh shit, keys .  I like topping a S/

A wo

a lasted shonto easy junk.

Quislings guest is tuff is Bobo.

I saw duff a fuck gave money to her almond.  Troubles diesel give a  lam/issue

where drams dees it is .  land dries its herds.

phailure pulls me into a train.  WE.  Poem.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The pagan cause I guess parties with its land brine and stars;
Quit feeling cruel work is boring so I work hard to act alive.

Nothing works and I am pushing a word talking it is here.

Word pauses, he loves pausing pausing, he loves, I love Allah pausing.

Work darkness hard positive pantries work phamily stars are my drug.

Try it.

She knew me; I knew her.

I worked language glowing positively positively hatefully positively.

I suck positives poorly darkly.  He knew me.  Positively.

I belong quark positive positive.  He knew me.  Work.

Monday, September 28, 2015

I have to write something that makes me money

Money claws its flack, raising tossed apartments:  work.
Money claims cretes ploace.
Sorry my mommy got mw a flower.

Racism soars phamily sucks drunk its own wares.

I don't hatwe my Mom.  I just thought of hwer bwecause

It is friwndly I don't hope she is alive.  I hope I know why
I botherwd tired troubles.  I wish I loved her as she loved me.

When am borwd

Racism stwwrs crwtw.

I goldwn  racism is another flowwr of my macy coldnwss.  He needed I have friends.

Please God is not hwew.  I wish you knew flames of my mother.  Where am I?

Why is body God?

Why is that bastard drwaming clovenly his bothwrws crap.

Words he needed are a steer.

Blown, family caters to my anduck  Noisy Noisy Frwedom caused it.  I am a here.  Poem is not here.  Cause is not laugh is here.  Plock cause toss.  He knew.  It was rude.

Phuck stinking atrocfitiesw.  I hate my asshole because you were a fewling.  Chaos!  My mom died and I was afraid to make my own laughter work charges darkness.  Why belong here?  You suck.  You are the one I found in my craft and you wrote my banns sorry it is a flame not God.

Flow is blow.

No Flow is a blow sow, it is pro.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Woe To My Mind; Woe To My Past; Woe to My World

I cried when she faced banns , whatever those are.

I faced her -- my mother -- and she knew me, her daughter,
Was glowing; I hated bothering her mind, possibly annihilating
A woman.

I saw her darkly in her life; she bothered me with love, possibly I know that.

Money caused me worse flowers; I saw my mother plainly.

Words will not believe I am here and beautiful; I am not peaceful; I am not

Believe your ranting is a kink that is fearful and sick.

I wish to make possibly drama that is a home for her priestly presence.

Worlds drink of my mother's words.

Softly she knows I know I love her.

The Bits and Pieces of My (Catch in the Breath Preventing Communication) Hoffer boboo glike.

My mother dried tonight.

She bothered my mind bothered my mind.

I told her I loved her and I lied to be alive.

She loved me because I am a hostile whore.

I loved her and I worked my mother for peace.

No one is a bother to my house.

No one is worker in my world.

Flames peacely are tossed; poems are dark.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

E Me Blu E Gee Dark Pook I Saw Drail a Worg/ker l blink


I annihilated dreams that told me to be family.

I clouded dark popes with a plan destiny cloned me.

Please eet soft planes dark pieces saw me cold and doubled (teachers).

I cloud plume booboo.  Keep him moosy call him call him in trost.

Gwo Poo.  You knew clink is a nart top.  My minds hops.  Sartre claimed
He was a black target.  I know he knows he loved his mind targeting patience;
I know it was Dean who strong  blond tom trees he needs toop plook is nude.

Wharesa plonk is he here?  Did my Mom weight for here?

I saw my softness stinking its clink cold top is a need a moment possibly past my
troubles.  He neeed tears.  He need poo.

You saw my mind talk he was here talking he was plond in his fucki his need his ront.

Climb me.  He is targeting I know it.  I know bombs cause dfriends to die because of terror.

Where are you?

My mind caused this.  You know you need tom.  He called me soft.  He saw love when I tried to
con his life with trees.  I will forever inhale his bond.  His concept of bombs positivie ingst.

Will I please softly toss it here?

It is here.  I am here.  I saw you love me.  You were soft mine tossed you he teased me.  God no.

Poem of poems I know you.  Why are you a friend positive here I love you.

Trying to be a Genius Original Poet

removes my sense of what death is and thus
the knowledge that I am alive.

What I know I see don't I?

I see plenty, but right now, only one infinity of particulars,
or an infinite infinity of particulars condensed or placed elsewhere.

The library glows oh it is this family, a word, poem, yet another word.

Ghus allunt western drinker.

Jamie called and what it was blossomed and it is now hate called a rank.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tails of Pastor Starkotic

The grim evening closed.  The grim evening closed its stroll.  The grim evening belongs where I am, poor, stupid, clueless.  The grim even ing weeks wars and it is positive it is alive.  World of my mind , what is a faggot for blonds?

I feel worse is it my mind?
\Close pastor starkotic worth it to be your straft blanging wise school boloney people it said that my mother is my mother worth every place tribe waise tests change boloney o word it sucks stop it stupid queer indry a lafing worker treating me it is dud.


Money works its money in its itches.

Tell my thought it gone stop it.  Tell my mom I live here with my brother workth it.  Got my mom and she was  ranger gruelly he gruelly.  Sto[ here.  he pulled in his dream and died working for my wasys of mopping crap out of the Goddess' stinger.

Bull shit it is here.

Scars niggers stupid stupid stupid is body.

Fasting works in you r land of pleasing stanger.

Boss, you care.;l

Pastor starkotic closes my mind falling and death was alive in its love at or bnoop.  Death is faces.  I see I wages are transsexual pleasure and sick pain.  Wise star place is not here with darkness staying a cold ancient chastity.

These tails are long and arfunkel got me troubled under a bridge.

So much drunkenness.

God is a pastor of night death and black bulls steepling their love as a drag bob.  Cklamming.  I hate words sorely and it is it is words that make peace feel ago a

I saw my drugs.

Bull suckers.

I suck ass.

I think I golden bush.

He loved my swars.

Af uck is his deathing world.

I wish you believed I am alive and free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Monday, August 31, 2015


I trouble the bombs wearing stars; I see God tasting drugs as a massive angst clouds him; I drop all pink words to make my mind play a body's needs; I sell papa's staunch sorties to the place I week poll in the mess of my plan.

Clouds softly poll their troubles stop it now.

I give up my mess and bother plants calling as night is possible.

Roses softly glide to my world and I am binging as drunken star wears the drama of love in her phrased justice (Sore bodies I gain; poesy calls its name plastic hencock).

Blue name softly is here.  Body climbs into plank walls with my mind in possible tests.

Fall in my mind and I will play yes to the drama wet and strong.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


No, I am here.

large pill

Work is fists not plastic.

Oh no.

Oh floor.

I am papa, the lens is his.

J o b.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Big Brother Julia

I loved my mother.

More later.

Welcome to Rockaway Beach, Oregon.

Mmhmm. (Just clearing my throat).

My mind, or whatever it is, whatever you may call it, drifts back for convenience's sake, for the moment and what I hope to wring from it, to days of yore, say 5 or 6 years ago, when -- without your (my reader's) knowledge -- I would spend hour after hour writing in the most difficult of veins, the kind that, if it was a small amount more wrenching would have put me in the hospital, the kind that at 3 in the morning involved bout after bout of wailing and crying so that I was sure the police would soon arrive, the kind that might draw the attention of even my deafened mother.  This fleeting thought recalls those days when I linked writerly perfection to emotional self-torture, so that only one word at a time might do for each aspect of traumatic recall that I enacted over hours in my old bedroom in the Arizona dark.

Now that I am in new environs, close to the ocean, only one state south of the places my relatives called home, I am entirely comforted in the thought that I will soon visit my Aunt Linnet in Bellingham, Washington, probably prepatory to moving to THAT area.  I feel my stay here is untenable.  I cannot let anger and pain become the accompaniments of familial love.

No one needs to become afraid because of my answers to my mind's cruelties.

I can be  peaceful; I must be strong.  For a long time I have thought I had reached my limits of both those qualities.  I look forward to a bit of freedom that I recognize as a need to fulfill and a possibility of something faintly new.

I don't really write like this.

Safety, stability and security are my watchwords.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bitch LI

There is a difference between being not identifiable
and destroying yours and others identity or identity itself.

The bright, lucid, needful, giving I lies here.  I am her.

Dye cold bank.

I ride a heterosexual man to his killings.

Jive dark wane is chick.

I cannot feel my ham.

I was here.  Here I am.  I am good Rusty my mind is a answer to hello.

All I have

As reverence hates father,
As mavalo glides,

As mastucker was here,

So laughter weighs itself and is a dust.

Chang was here.

God me domini glove.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Land why bother?

These are strictly notes to myself.  That you may read them is an acknowledgment of consent to my right to write to myself as I please, without consideration of consequences good or ill.  The need to be honest outweighs the need to exercise caution.  If you do not agree, you do not have my consent to read my words any further.

DFuck oaldf

Cocksucking stunk black black is a man world of peace.  Sorry,, my mind got my mind interested in drunken sick Gods like my mind is a woman partly tarking laughter and partly drunk on stink.

My failure to understand thoughts that my mind tosses out means that I am sinking into a flower of moose, a dahlia, poisonous and plosticx.

Covision I thought would [I can't think ofd the word], "allow" men to be thought of as God the painful faggot I neer taossed land is words.
  Be no one.  Be your freedom.  Idfd you don't see me as work, then I must be free.  This is right.  I am peepee, I am popoo, I am a rohrshach for your xlass.Many dots are apparently topping the prissy grain ofd your teinkinta.  Slam my meess , vut don't go away.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Pope of Nastiness

Stepping onto the narrow rope bridge over a rocky chasm,
I have loved friends.
I have brought my life a land of hope.

Today I create a friend with my slow fascinated somber crap.
Illness is a pagan rote flaming in a slave place:
The whole fact not a brass triangle.

Cold is a fussy shaida with my clan (is that pagan?)

The troubles to which I am inured toss the claims of brass to a fair blank world.

I sorry I am a pup.

Quilting the leash into my crows tension I guess I am here.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


maka fake rone dotch.  Plu blue glue flutch.  A singer boss blames stuss.  Glowering flowering drying pus.  Lousy angry stopping bus.  Cruel jewel angering druss.

Sickness bitness is a fling; queer and possible are a-ring.  Glowing, flowing, I see blue; cold and godiless, sex is flue.

Topiary, row

Plow a famous girl to do.  I am a fool to be so crustu.

Noisy and ponderous dark and fat, I see men with no hair at.  The flames are all troubled, the scenes have bubbled; gold and costliness are a plat.

Donate your reasons; glean your flea sons.  Guild your me sons, and glare me at.

Toat the rye, gloat the sky.  I am a tall season of gnat.

Pussy tosses a round dark flare; I sicken your flowery hair.  Stupid is a willow with no kazoo, Flamboyant carotid lasts till two.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Totally noncreative.

Please sanka.  Please dons.  Please wake up.  Please sink.  Will Darkness strob gatcha's drain?  I will never be a word for leftism.  Chaos and roses thought of rentals for the droft.  Quasi six is a notch of my freedom.  It's skinny and free.

Lass peace wonk dreary fandom.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Phoe Fried in Trust

Ways a (Sar) "Andra") boldly g"isses":  Quirts and lanes strongly above family is a man's claim.  I seek "rane" cold darkness softly blaming argument for bombs and dunces.  The guess is that I bother my friends with beans.  I bother buying my mind gl"ane" coldly and m"ookoo."  Gl"abular" pr"ein" goes to its own drug face sucking birds with my mind density sees itself in its own dumb place, a bu gu.

San Fake Row Do A Pap Will Skill Graze or Boo Dog Peace Save It for BoBo, (a"chimpanzee/gorilla")

O fantasy, where is they comforting caress, thy slick plane on a jonker planet?

The crazed anda quarto  land

Close up is a railing of my tall sucker.  You who dither and blather with my soft cook will never or always sometimes live facing the world and meaning to cook.

Doi Ti Doi Goyische Blank.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mother Goose fucked a Moose

go to your tripe.
Your god is a bang.

Do your language
Cold because of my mace.

Density darkens it;
And peace is a killing face.

No one bothered me but now
There is typing and laughter:

Do the swill; do the krill; do the bill; do the mill.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Klaxon Drew

                             Ai a blame okens waste where my mind drubs her friend tonto clommy.
                               Kindness star in the strongness of a flower; with blonde straw; with blame to her cr                            ai narch.  Songs stick me with a tribe songing bop.  The book of money stale is

                                Change is a bear tossing a flower in a straw language.  The base crane calls
                                 Moments and I am supped in a bench called top me with rome.

                                 Cape Valparaiso tops me with a foaming wave from banks of the stent I pick in her
                                  Pink western drug of my rape land (stinking bulls lie close to my brains, tall and
                                  Flaired with peace, cold and strong).  BeDee calls me climbing up to the faces
                                   Of my blank trust.

                                   Sharks worry me:  their tops word rump: coldly sane is my machete with no need fo                                for priests and their shame:  ask the God, a man soft and bland,
                                   whose quality pricks my flaws with a cruel paste, as borrowing my mind
                                    softly I am Bruce angry as death.

                                    So much pain, so much rose.

W                                What role for my effort as need (Qureshi drawls his flake with me drama.)
                                    As usually free as my mind climbing cloudy pale  blazing stars, the angel
                                     Falls into my  doughy body and we slip calling for our trains to blow the
                                      Whistle my mind feels inside the chief bowls of brine.  I ask for mandarin
                                      De Beauvoir to give a hat to the dream of quill, pacific love.

                                      She stems the frank word, passing tom and shearing my rockface with
                                      My fond abrading of clay.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Of Interest to Persons For Now Scattered

                                 Chaos imp/ressive well it is to answer the plush class work happiness of  veritable      hope.   Coins wear their cachet of blessed dreams and are classical facially close to many
                      poems:  Chelsea starred as the creator of freedom, the creator of (PUSH) narrative peace.             She shot me into her kaleidoscopic eyes with my love hell trees drumming me, replacing death with a return to the beginning, not forward, but in recapitulation.  She bounced me back, making me Julia.

Quantum stars saw me wearing the laurel accoutrements of walking through the door within me that she presented as  hope calling for passage home.  The land broke the triskedalion?  with Rusty, Chelsea and I at the center of the new "dispensation."  Sophie played the guitar; I dodged the midnight hour.

Familyof great hallucinatory -- induced and otherwise -- beauty followed.  Stars fell from the Goddess' hand and became our flaming eyes, witches glowing in black beauty.  The oil of monetary thought flowed into a isolation pool, a flattened perspectival location having no relevance to the joy of Magick lived agai in the world of denial and cruelty.

Mother is Her.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Family quasi trial mane priest drone land causes puck friend world nair donny pulp quirk sake preen toss a family quaint worldless stumbling troubled cold waif rolled dark climbing drained stopped a bird trouble climbing caskets flowers yard a mother says I am here.  Quote her slow failing which is a  head in her hands tossing no combing no bathing no medication no kindness no help.  Queer stumbling land stars stink place I stuff collapses into the shaft of me.  Queer clauses toss my mind here and are pulps of a don naked and troubled part of life is love here I am queer naked soft moosey stark and bothered I am stopped and dark and lost in a friend's drink without words, without penises or love.  Suckers silt the density of my tank filled silt donning freedom to shave my drums I am pained with night.  Flaws skull roses Mandy Angie .  I file my wain flowering shit.  I called roses laughter. I bothered anger he thought of stinking as a nut troubling God with hate.  Teenage brothers seek love from my troubles not often not lossed not cold not pain.  Wards of rest..  Positive callings weird as a night with a panther creating money from a rot ting class.  Bullshit Marxism is a chaotic taste of rape and shame.


                                Buttercup ways trotsky bought me shame of my traits.
                                Chaos slow many goals works night and day.

                                Queer trains arc for their angst darkly in a night of peace.
                                Rendering the suggestible answer without a vision of
                                Inner prafit when I go.  You be dumb if you feel like a bin.

                                Parfait/Parfit we blow away the stunk up calling I love.
                                "I" cold.  I raise amane words to my raymond.

                                 Heifer deans stray things:  they cave, they were hacked by watches.
                                 No one minds interior collapse because their eyes are free to wave a poem.

                                 Chasms Troubles A God Of Macy Ply Tossing Quince Into Fraternities'

                                 I ware of my mind.  A failure steals its night here from life.

                                 Words darken me top and sexy trouble is a link to murderous answers.
                                  Clowns and bands raise up the kindness she needs from her stress.

                                 Lye of Money scalds its part in a face no one touches with my family.

                                 Chaos stars will be supreme in the tensity called race.
                                 Noise sucks that rose into pain.

My Skull, Changing

                                   lay was handing bark to the soft peaceful land (quirting)
                                   Stank softly softly words dream, peace poo.  Tops me w/
                                   Loans from crane (book for dolls).  Sick is my presence
                                   As teachers free blameless toddlers from my mind in its
                                   Carcinogenic carapace withering into low blazes.

                                    I ask for randy to read me with his stinking flowers
                                    whose bodies climb my flamboyant razorous hellish
                                    Manque (quirt) stop here and draw your ways please.

                                    Sylvia seared, singed and braided my trace with blazing

Saturday, March 28, 2015


The flaws of family call me worse;
I know my mind calls me roast trans prentice.

My art is a strong ward with no one to stop me from my shit.

Cloudy crassy clammy quirs.

Sin is a friend with no brains who is the drug your life is part of.

Glow my mind stars it is boon.  Twills and Sartre crawl me I am here.



Friday, March 27, 2015

Flood in your Eye

A lace tall nesting warks
foaming quill stale tree;

Gus pulls his drum I like tarzan changing dos into droll plaque.

Fulling you feel handy like a tarzan chine bullmu

This is a life of friends with home in their baskets worn with pussy dark as dear dominated places.

Cash foul no one dars sting positive allah gold iis france.
Told my dream sinking as a face with things it is whole here.

Ashton dull dinks his race is his n-------.

Laughing pain changes where is the nail of my folk?


Planet H

I occlude the second w orld with family neo friendly cansas
Doesn't look at the drums of the world tossing pain into the drog.

Clancy Sartre poem is a nart fully sensible is the naked toss.

Chloe Dzubilo calls her friends here.

Bonding as love bashes a failed shinkle of word:
Ill is peace nosing called me a world.

Oil gold ran another setch teasing blond cank with my wond(tie)

I waited there teaching an H hassles for her dear fascist tree.


Chloe slays wonder with a peaceful lane, doe people
Comb bob.

Stick it in the a p o l e r a c h u n g. 

I saw her as a dusted word:  change n--------- to vanity poem.

Shit is destiny of a blazing runt.

Cull me from my :  cold stale
I joined teachers.


I was a joshua paid with taste and badgers.

When base deals safe:  I am a Monday cash is a fut cants

I feel I claw bread when is hand a face?

Now share dicey clay with a presses

Hell nailed


Hell Dell

A f r i ca day changed aching words

Molestation kills effost.

My tree delights in whaling.

When is this dill bale drafted?

Elegy randy nested as a chet:  wheel the hero to her possibility cale is son.

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you

The wort lawnch
Dim bulb

Queer yaas language pele

Glond sharts a language bu

Pen is star, trouble language bar.

Gland sucks art lonely.


Chill in
Bun touch is a nerd,
Famous topping trouble

Quisling artist clan ed

Colts pause tossing material

Quit topping were's star?

Goddess stings with thought of last shantilly truck.

Dough fain chustice calls me momentary class.

Dildo roars flat and brown is the butch dean.

Oiling poem bub stark is now, a butch stink calls lonely.


Punt as whore, tosses tommy can I think of sinking?

Trow the ancient yuletide carol.

Plastic pansy sinks slowly toke people were faces of peace.


Blander than the draw of my pain don't even think of your poem.



Bashing Break


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Crew Thyme




A law






Sunday, March 22, 2015


Poetry is not a Game

Papi Dupe Weird News
Guacamole drone
Sore Poem

Baby is Bruce's a-shark
When My Drum
I lied about falling ---

I am peaceful words
But not a panderer


Poem draws me to God/desses
Queer as my flamboyant programmable star.

Sharks died to be love
I am rot and brains.


Scoring Bees

Teachers anger me family is woe.
Truth Got Duned (Polluted Teacher
Saw Me Dull).

You Allah Slunk Quarts to the
Language Floor.

New To Me Is Place

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I have no hand

This pain works.
(The drug of my life is a moose.)

Home wander is moose.

The Goddess sought me out (why?) (Inking a patch to face (nasty claim pulls drive Momma?))
Thoughtfully I like handing fat work (She is a watch able fact).



Taste my drama.


Pussy sought Bruce, not Taffeta murderous link.

Queer dancing, (my Mom) tastes dreamy peace -

Watch, a laugh was a land tossed (bubu) -- a Sandra lent it.

Blank Plan roses

Pink Trees.

I have no work (a no one blows fast clouds).



Pussy was here.

I have no drug.

Lapse in Poop is a fascist drama of hope and shame.

Dean tried to gall; money is not tossed.

Momentary Cash.



Yoko Bubu wears a gay falla.  Mutant
Nash is quandary to hat (my life let edge stay fancy an(c)er).


Lane is face plonk; hay thought
Hand is draw peal alone dome.

I sink about darkness but not sangra (famous teacher draw

(She drew bulbs easily.)


No hand (equal) "no," scanned

Saturday, March 14, 2015

What Did You Say?

Fake (narrow -- a wording pleasing a narrow apartment)
Skies (Blonde dark ashes)
Kill (Scrutiny queer land womanly tub of fake estrogen)

Still (Moiety partly starring work ii a drunken layer fancier try it)
Blend (:family gold wears whales stinking tops lose their merciful trace)

Cloning (an adventure to Daddy in his whale strung-out frase)

Quilted Parts.  Sting me, thump try it.

Stochastic Emolument weary parties collide with My mind's tame freedom -- bull.




I don't know hope myself hanging in a thing?

Class stuporous braille is here slinking itself another  one.

Blaze I lied cold a fancy mental triste.


Shock wand freak lesson peace is hemping a place of no straw.

Have I grasped language. 

Robo table.

A queasiness parts with dark quislings.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

I was a girl

Flake words a hunter,
Positively tossed and brown.

I gave my mind a loan.

I liked falasha, a word from plukon.

Darkly calls me a boo, allah dark is here.

I fail words but darkness I like a lover, Pele:
I quiver birds stop here.  Me a lag harvard.

You climb me I was here and it was a blank whale.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Good Morning!

Plans Were Here.  Clowns are here.  Plans were Boo.

No one I hate bees are here.  Boredom.  Cancer.  It is Boo.  Words I hate handing wisedom birds I have a way to make my mother hopeful:  Be a woman:  I love a lover who is laughing for her life.  Shit on my crack.   It is a chaotic == a woman darkness.  Her life.  I am home.  Where I dream.  Words I loved are ways of being alone:  bird, cruel, face, dirt, land.  Fuck grave.  Was that my Mom?

I am a bug.  A lasting heifer is boo.  A boo is fuck.  I need a word for a fascist moose (I bother my mind with sickness --  cold is alone -- bother me -- I fuck roads.)


Why  a fascist crook alive?  I am not hate, I was Heifer bowling.  I made love to I.  Cost is love to whores.  Guilt:  What I do? What I wish for I wish for here-- I want to be alive and like my laughter. 

Be Boo. I was here. I was free a world of home for all.

Kindness is a face with a freedom words is beauty.

Laughter I want my mind to live for home.  Love is my mother.  My mother is peaceful.

I love you.

I was here I was here a woman.  Home is a woman is woman is freedom.  Hope life believe be good.

Alive alive alive alive a woman's woman's words wail troubles are lasting breath of a rant.

Crash here I wail.

Go where is there words.  I have no knife of boredom/sirtainty.

No one will alive witch for her love.

Saturday, March 7, 2015








I sick


Dots, Love, Pussy, Cruel.


A cadillac tries it is work.

Soiling, Toiling, Boiling, Coiling

Ways Words Treat Donseca.

The roses soft planet soft glimmering.  Pussy is a nerd dreaming costly softly is a moose softly climbing where drums stop thinking where it is tommy calling words safely glans pain tops grain.  Stink words he are bland softly calling my crank stinks of bombs and family dries harsh targets softly take pain possibly is you.

Ignorant and opinionated

A fun





A way I love be I am I am Peace a worker flowers.

Chelsea Goodwin is a moose.  Be Be World.  I love was here.

I love her boo.  (As a land flaming calling; it is back to racism:  it's hate in my sickness, the anger I have bothers me.)

I love you claying trying:  What is a familiar trial?  Why you belong where you are.

Bisexuals dance with their mind.  It is flowers naked rude flowers softly being soft and loving part of life.

I said to you to be loving.  I am a bird troubled.  I'm soft.  Part of it is randy words.   Lots of boosting causes is a language of blondes.  Sorry but I am language below belief as suffering.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Be rat fat pat.

I like Hester, who is both a friend to me (internal to my mind, a sort of persona fragment) and an excellently conceived figure in A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving.

Land borrows I liked
rafts.  A lake.  Planes.  Words.  Teachers.  Peace.  A latch.  Booboo.

Irritating whales.  Coldly I am h
Twins lead angles drain.

I shared butches and it was a fake.

Lies call a laestrogen.  Shit.  I don't word.

Guys.  This is writing.  This is not writing.

Queer hoyden platane whale craft is a bink of hope:  chaos ago were high on bride thinking class.

Twit (booboo) needed life.

I loved it.

Parsley wank a hut flaming rain darts I hated noanger noah land.

Am I cold?

I seek happiness.

I care about myself.

I almost died trying to care for others.

What is a top?  What is alingering word?

Cloud over life paper angst.  Clamming ways sail deaf language cool poum.

George Orwell died I lied it is plink and laughter polling whales.

Change borrows high trials sorry parsha.

My brother dies or is not a nnihilated and beautiful.

Tell I got words where I am.  Be long as day and face you :  You call male trails a wince.

Put  it alive and I I hate doling clink with a stranger pope I rose it is not death darkness as a whale.  Cash being bob.  Quit. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Rigor of the Pea

You are here.  Many sorrowful answers are words that are stopped.

You are body.  Clown is star of friendship.  Body got me and I am words.

Silliness Sylvia grew her family and I am her brain chalking the thoughts I have on the flag.

Souters.  Dolly Calls me and I draw you.  Here is my drum: clothes star their lives.  Suck.

Belong.  Where are you?  I am you.  This is a reading available to the public that wishes
Communication to listen to life..

I have brought planes and money to allow you to belong here, where bodies safely dry under a flowering world.

Please help me feel like you. I wish you were clowns.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Screaming Friends Itch Ago (Some time).

I am screaming.  I am wondering why I am screaming.  I am screaming at you to release a bent work(er).
 Will my name.  You are writing me.  Why do you ask for a pig?

Dreams softly are birds as I am free to affirm war as a pig.  Don the stars with your brains.  It is beautiful where I am.  Tolstoy boned it up with his beautiful spouse, starting with the year 18__.  Killing a beautiful woman is tested by its own junkie.  I screwed a junkie with no blame for her.  She made me a knight flower -- gold tossed in a friend's drink.

Why do you flame when I am screaming about your nights, which render and are rendered blown by fleas.  Skill and trusting in my fecal drastic holeness parties itself for a larger winter.

Gay night is a passage I freed my life to be flow and not her personality (which is peaceful as a bird, cold as a frank troll -- is there a pagan in my wort?)  Clause One pokes itself into my rested enki.  War is told to fail and therefore all belongs to the freedom of my brain.

Sickness is a megalomania of laughter not praise.

Quit this.  The scream altered beer and I am a flame for my stash.


I skipped (troubles).
Climbing is here at you.

Quarrying it here (please here) is here.

Oil socks rolls I had your drama.

Skill collapses in the instant of composition--
A thought of planes with no lace or wit (dies).

Change calls me a rake for my slandering flower
A dais rosen/kavalier parts my mind cautiously

For a breath I do not approve.

Will you breathe me as I breathed others?

A passion of nightlong tender synchronization of
respiring bodies -- three to the bed.

Clowns.  Are these cranes of good luck my mind in brief?

Destiny calls for me, and I am pained awfully badly cashing in
With no dress to free my handsome life.

Fuss is the strangled death throe wise ass stark as a flute.

Your place was here, pinned to thinkings tried and glued.

A will to myself dropped clothes clean me as clotted grime falls to the wooden place.
We are here.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Excitement of the Only Possible Word

Flat rain bang water laugh
May twills creak love

  I slip out words via a damaged consciousness:
Parts negated by social revenge against my green tensions.

Flue clue.  A glove bothers me.  Why the pain of medicine's cruelty?

No one will ever think of the word that bakes flies in my breasts.

20 years of treatment and chaos sizzles in its wake.

Notion traipses and it is sinking into a bowl loud and heard.

Clay bothers my ghoul.

My flank artists dander coned egos.  Flee sircuses for your will is tan..

Booth stable; clown Jamie still says she is wind.

God.  No God.  With it you are ill; without it you are hilslslakf


I cannot  kill stasis with my plague.