Thursday, July 21, 2011

Revolution World

Ordinarily I would disdain to stoop to an account of today's politics. After all there is so little that one can find that is hopeful or at least encouraging.

I do not believe that the debt crisis is anything but a manufactured scare tactic designed to split Americans into as many conflicting factions as is convenient for the rich to continue dominating and benefiting from this country's institutions.

The apparent rearrangement of international economic relations that goes by the name of globalization is a means by which social elites are renegotiating the terms by which they extract wealth from working people. These negotiations are of course not with working people but among themselves. The proclaimed interests of nations are merely slogans behind which governments carry on their loyal service to the well positioned. Wikileaks and the Arab Spring have shown this fact in detail.

I find that the sudden fear for the Syrian government's stability expressed by some, the equally sudden support for Libyan rebels, and the hype about the dangers of a Muslim takeover in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East, all related, well reveal the methods, subtle and not so subtle by which the interests of the status quo maintain themselves. There seems to be a great reliance on suspicion and insinuation, the provocation of doubt and fear, the use of "analysis" to produce the effects which supposedly are least wanted but in fact are most desired. For example there is the supposed hate and fear of a Muslim theocracy becoming the main mode of political institutionalization in the Middle East. If anything it is these expressed fears which cause both disenchantment in the Middle East and thus a turn towards such organizations as the Muslim Brotherhood and calls for military or economic intervention to prevent such an outcome. Just as business needs to create a customer, so do its governments need to rely on enemies.

Finally, it seems to me that the role of China as the bete noire to which supposedly the U.S. must at all costs avoid going into default is yet another smokescreen. The new wealth of China is simply the expression of both the power of Chinese culture and people and the cruelty and avarice of its "socialist" state. The rich of China and the rich of the U.s., indeed the rich internationally are simply going through a cost cutting exercise. The debt crisis is a way to take advantage of the recession in order to lower the American standard of living so that there will be less of a pesky example for other peoples to aspire to.


Neither the truth nor attempts to make suffering disappear through political or charitable practices are going to do anything for the dreams of Harvard.

Neither way is best.

I make flies die.

Don't think about reason, be safe.

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