Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another knowledge

I am full.

Pain that dreams of priestliness is painful because it's a fakir.

I try love as pain.

Safety was loving.

Dream of love.

The words that I write do not convey the emotions I feel because I want pain. It's so wonderful to know that whatever loves I grieve for, that I must be this angry upset pained person.

The store is fear.

The knowledge of one person does not make the world feel hopeful.

I am a poet that needs sex.

[ADMISSION, ADMISSION, ADMISSION] that leads to a new self-understanding therefore different actions and a different outcome. This is the importance of the above line despite its apparent banality and flat expression.

Keeping myself free from one problem -- playing [conning] (H)her as prostitute helps free love to greet life with freedom.

However, I am not love. I have tried to be. I have tried to be sex. I have tried to be mother, father, sister, even brother. I do not feel kind. I do not like to feel that there's anger in me. But it's there. I want to succeed. I am afraid of being poor forall my life. I know that the Goddess' will makes this (me)(this statement) peaceful.

Do you suppose that everybody has to worry about life like it's painful?

I don't think so.


Cloning one whore for one customer is poison.

Spelling it out

I fought life because it wants love and I don't know freedom as fun.

I don't have fun. Simple. I don't have anyone to have fun with. I simply exist as an inert burden on others. I wish I had known that there would be a time when I found freedom to be phony. [fony]

Call me false.

I am trying to make you know that there is a woman who is here so there is life.

My anger is about why there's no crack.

I know what is crack. It's hard. It's brown.

I think I need to end my friendship with beauty.

Many horrors have occurred because of need. I am listening for that freedom to derealize[?]

Anyone who wants this whore to know their love is welcome to bring a bogged hooker. She's like my understanding. She will live and like her hopes.

Peaceful, happy, shit.

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