Monday, September 5, 2011


A supple poem

Delays on the interstate to LA

Fierce -- adjourned.

Yawping toward freedom

A melee injures one poet
Failure caused it

Goddess softly always hopes home can feel peaceful
Outward girl says like life

Interesting to say that's penciled with blessings

You can love a boss for her bear
And stop wanting her.

As I can feel safe, I am poor.


Teenage lover made life feel safe

I made that one up

Please money for possibilities;
Give that to facts.


Nature is amore as peace and their heard change casts talk on feet

Say wonder for safety.
Slave anger taught my poem.

Grief for basically money.

As I like Andre, I feel softly a peaceful cold warm fraught fake peace


A mostly cold fool is slain

I read attributes of many people in simultaneity: They soar or they play.


Feeling like I stole my steak from a crop of pagan martyrs

I stole that from you, you client of bonding sharing banding zest.


I rose nowhere; life crawled into her home living and saying handsome people
like beasts (possible is good)

Must accrue hope from sanity. Parking with your many flowers gives me love.

You started to love me and I saw your close road.

You called and I fell.

I found that yes to a woman is best for change.

Since I love you, I give poetry as a working door.

I love Samuel Johnson
John Boswell

Dear reader(s)

You can like a blog for me.
I am happy to like what you lived.

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